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That morning with his former lover, Sehun couldn't keep her words out of his head. They were bothering him throughout the next day and he didn't appreciate it because he was scared it would indicate more than he wanted.

"I-I work there." He squinted his eyes as her words rung in his head. Son Naeun is working at a hostess bar? It doesn't make sense. What business does she have working there??

"Are you really not going to tell me what happened to your face?" He was suddenly cut from his thoughts when he heard Suji's voice. He looked up just to see her walking back into the kitchen with the first aid kit. She placed it on the table next to them and sat next to him, studying the side of his cut lips and bruised face in the light.

Sehun timidly smiled, letting her turn his face with her hands, staring at the bruise with a frown. "I told you it was a little fight. It isn't too big."

"Yes, but you never told me why." She retorted, grabbing the plaster and spread some on her finger. Holding his chin upwards, she gently dabbed it on the side of his lips, making him wince at the contact.

"Sorry.." She whispered with a worried look. She just didn't understand; one night she saw him all fine & the next, he shows up with a cut lip and bruises.

"Gentle Suj." Sehun quietly groaned as Suji gently dabbed on his wounds.

"I haven't done this in a while Sehun-ah." She retorted, gently pressing her finger on his face, getting closer. She used to be good at aiding because whenever Sehun got in fights, she was the one who aided him.

"That's true huh.." He sheepishly muttered, trying to chuckle it off a bit knowing she wasn't happy with it.

"Are you not going to tell me what happened?" Suji muttered, tearing her eyes from his lips to his big brown eyes that were staring back at her.

"I told you. Some guy said and did some things that I didn't like and I just... I just acted out.." Sehun quietly answered, recalling to the night before. Technically, he wasn't lying. The man did say stuff and did stuff that he didn't like. It was missing a few key details.

After putting a bandage on his cheek, he wasn't surprised to see her frowning at him as she stared at him. "Sehun, you can't just resort to violence when you get angry. We can't go back to those days."

When they first started dating, he always got into fights. He was short-tempered and especially angry, but Suji didn't know why.

"I know." He softly said, Don't make her worry. "I'm sorry."

"I just don't want to see you hurt."

"On the bright side, I didn't lose." He smirked a bit, "One uppercut and he was out like a light." Sehun spoke in a joking tone, trying to make her feel better with a joke but she stopped and stared at him.

"Do you think getting hurt is funny?" She frowned.

Oh no. His eyes softened as his smile wiped off his lips, "Su, I'm fine. It's just a little scratch that'll go away in a few days."

"What if it was more than a scratch?" She retorted, a bit annoyed that he was making jokes.

Sehun let out a soft sigh, he made her worried. "Princess, do you trust me?"

Suji nodded. "Do you believe in me?" She nodded again, muttering an 'of course' as she finally looked him in the eyes. He timidly smiled at her, gently pushing her hair back.

"Then trust me when I say, I have a reason for everything I do." He spoke quietly. "I didn't fight because I wanted to. Believe me when I say he deserved it."

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