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Little did he know, she was on her 5th shot of the night, completely unable to stand on her own at times. Sober, Sehun and Kyungsoo were watching the girls from afar. Making sure they were good. He really couldn't help but watch as some guys would try to go up and dance with her, but when he saw they'd walk away disappointed, he felt his heart settle down.

When he watched Jieun stumbling to walk past them back into the kitchen, he grabbed hold of her arm. "Yah, why are you drinking so much?" He scolded, staring at her as she stumbled into his grip.

Jieun grinned, "Because I want to have fun." She hiccuped, pulling her arm back.

"Why'd you bring Suji here?" He asked, his brows furrowed. Jieun scoffed at her cousin. "You know she can't handle her drinks." He was blaming her.

"B-because you're stupid Oh Sehun," She cursed him out with a glare. "I told you to take care of her and you break up with her? That's my best friend Oh Sehun.."

Sehun's eyes softened. "We didn't break up..It's just a break." He was getting annoyed.

"Same thing, you idiot.. I brought her so she can have fun, see." They glanced over at where Suji was. She was dancing, having fun with a smile on her face as she was the center of attention. Jieun hiccuped. "I want her to meet all the good guys she can here.." Jieun tested him.

"Noona." His tone low and serious. She can't be serious.

"You broke up with her right?" Jieun asked, glaring at him. "She has every right."

Sehun stared at her like she was crazy. She knew Suji was the only girl he wanted. "Noona, you-" Is she even on my side?

"You're family and I love you," Jieun started. "But that girl... I love her too. She cried every single night since the breakup, Sehun-ah. I can't push her to you when you're the cause of her hurt. Not until you figure it out." Jieun reasoned out, with sad eyes as she walked into the kitchen. Her words struck him. I hurt her the most. All I want is her smile to stay on her face.

Suji felt no care in the world. She was feeling good. She was happy while she danced with her best friends. That was until, while dancing, she accidentally bumped into someone behind her. The person turned to her and so did she, ready to apologize.

"Oh, sorr-"

When she made eye contact with the person, she squinted her eyes to get a better view. She realized the person was grinning at her. But after squinting, she saw the person. She gasped loudly, feeling excitement. "Joohyuk Oppa?!"

"Annyeong Bae Suji.." He cheekily smiled at her. Suji felt her heart burst in a million pieces; it was him. He was someone she loved way before. He was Nam Joohyuk, her childhood friend and her very first-love from school.

She couldn't help but engulf him in a big hug. Feeling his arms wrap around her shoulders, patting her back. He grew up. And so did she.

When she pulled out, her smile was big. "What are you doing here? I thought you moved to the U.S for good?"

"I'm only visiting for a few weeks because I missed home." He answered with a grin. "I'm staying with my cousin." He motioned towards through the crowd of people, Suji turned and saw Song Kang partying it up with one of the senior girls she saw at school. Suji's eyes widened, turning back to him. "You're Song Kang's cousin? That's crazy. He's crazy." Joohyuk laughed.

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