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A week has passed and a lot has happened.

Sehun finally met up with Jaebum and became friends with him in front of Suji.

She was just as excited as Jaebum was confused and taken back at first before actually being relieved. They actually shook hands as Sehun let out a tiny smile or it looked more like a smirk since he's not used to smiling to others.

But now that they're 'friends', Sehun doesn't feel as anxious as he was before since he now knows that Suji only sees him. But he still is over possessive with what's his, of course.

Anyways, Suji was sitting in the bench outside of the school. She was swinging her legs back and forth patiently as she looked up every once in a while to see if she would find Sehun.

She sighed and stared down to her feet again.

"Suji!" She widened her eyes and a smile broke out on her face before she even looked up to see who it was.

"Sehun!-" She blurted out while looking up to the voice, but to her dismay it was only Jaebum.

He walked towards her with a teasing smile and sat down in the empty spot beside her.

"Sorry.. I thought you were Sehun." Suji said quietly once he didn't say anything.

"Missing Sehun already?" Jaebum asked with a teasing chuckle.

Suji smiled shyly as she converted her eyes to the ground.

"Well, he thought that since we didn't get to see each other that much.. we should just go watch a movie or something.." Suji spoke shyly as she smiled widely to herself. Jaebum turned to face her and saw her in her own little world.

He smiled softly at her before turning away with a chuckle.

"So what are you doing out here? Don't you need to be getting ready or something?" He asked as Suji stared down to her clothes embarrassed.

She turned to him in disbelief when she saw she wasn't wearing anything wrong! It was a simple sweater, paired with jeans.

"Aye yah! We're going to the movies, not a grand old ball!" Suji protested loudly. Jaebum laughed at her and nodded his head understandingly.

After realizing herself, she quickly pouted and turned away from him.

"Insulting my clothes.. bowya?!" Suji muttered annoyingly to herself as Jaebum chuckled lightly and got up from his seat. Suji didn't even notice until Jaebum suddenly ruffled her hair.

Suji turned to him with wide eyes and gaped at him. Jaebum just freakin smiled down at her! "Well then, have fun waiting here."

"I have to go home now " He said as Suji turned up to face him-snapping her out of her thoughts- but suddenly felt his hand patting her head.

He bent down to the same level as Suji's face while letting his hand rest on her head. "I hope your date goes well~" Jaebum sang slightly with a smile.

Suji just stared at him in surprise. He ruffled her hair once with a chuckle before getting back up.

"Thanks.." Suji silently spoke. She was still speechless about what Jaebum just did.

He sighed with a smile before taking his hand away and waving at her as Suji waved back at him with a friendly smile.

As she was left there all alone, she sighed and took out her phone. It was starting to get darker and she didn't know if she should've continued to stay.

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