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Later that night/morning.

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows slightly and let his hands roam above him, trying to get a feel of his girlfriend. But he opened his eyes slowly when he didn't feel anything besides a soft pillow that was now, under his head and not his girlfriend's lap.

He let out a yawn and slowly sat up in his sleeping spot. He rubbed his eyes for a few moments before taking away his hands and letting his eyes wander around the room.

Not finding any sight of his girl, he called out.

"Suji? "

No response.

He glanced at the side table and saw his phone, darkly laying there. He reached over for it and turned it on.

2 Missed calls from Omma
1 Message from Junmyeon Hyung
3 Messages from Annoying noona 🙄
3 Missed calls from Annoying noona 🙄
1 Missed call from Kim Jongin

And a few more notifications from his social media stuff, but he didn't mind those and glanced at the time.

2:43 A.M

Sehun sighed deeply. He wasted his time sleeping for 7 hours now, trying to catch up on the sleep he missed for 2 days. He was tired, but he wanted to work things out with his girlfriend.

But the problem was he couldn't find her in the room, and she wasn't responding to his calls. So he quickly got up from the bed and walked down the stairs. He was glad his socks were still on his feet or else the cold-wooden surface of the stairs would've been the death of him.

Anyways, as he was walking closer to the living room, he noticed that the TV was still on. As he walked to turn it off, he saw a figure laying on the couch.


Sehun sighed and stared at the sleeping girl on the couch. He turned off the TV, and then turned to wake her up.

"Suji.." He whispered as he tried to shake her softly.

He did it for a few moments before she finally stirred around and groaned. He noticed the creases in her forehead-which meant she was very annoyed.

"Suji." He called out a little louder.

She hummed in response, still not opening up her eyes or even realizing who she's talking too.

"Get up. Let's go to your room. " Sehun said as he knew Suji probably didn't even know who it was she was talking to.

Creases slowly appeared on her once softened forehead.

Room? Get up?..

After realizing who was talking, she mentally rolled her eyes. But the thing was, she didn't know if he was talking in her dream or in real life.

"Sshh... Oh Sehun." Suji croaked out quietly but tiredly. She was too tired to talk but she did anyways or else he'll keep talking in her dream.

"Go away... & Go home...." She added quietly. She turned her back towards him and faced the couch.

She didn't hear anything else and figured he actually left or was probably just standing there. Either one made Suji regret her words, as always.

You are MY happiness. Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum