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3 Days into Jeju

When the families got to Jaebeom's step father's condo in Jeju island, Suji and Jaebeom made their way outside after setting their things in their rooms, sitting by the pool and letting their parents talk and barbecue closer to the house.

For the past two days, they've been doing non-stop touring the island, eating out and getting to know one another more. They've definitely forgotten about their reality because they were having a relaxing time.

Suji sat on the pool chair, watching the reflection of the pool lights in the water.

"You live in luxury Im Jabeom. I like it." Suji said, jokingly. Comfortably adjusting her body on the pool chair.

He scoffed a bit, "Yeah, if living between divorced parents is luxury, then how lucky am I."

Suji's smile fell a bit, "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that Jabeom."

He sighed loudly, "I'm kidding, I'm already used to it." He reassured. "My step father is a good guy."

"Seems like it." She said softly. "I see the way he treats you like his own."

"Yeah, he does a hell of a job as a father." He said, reminiscing on memories that occurred with his step father. "He treats us well. Especially mom."

Suji hesitated a bit before she began asking. "And what about your father.?"

She watched him shrug in his chair. "I said it before. He's an ass but he's my dad. Growing up, my dad was always working and never spent any time with my mom and me, so my parents divorced and my mom got remarried when I was like 10. My dad's now married to a woman that could drive over a cliff and I wouldn't mind."

"Jaebeom, you don't mean that." She quietly said. He sighed, muttering an apology before he continued. "You're right, I just hate her."

"You sure you hate her?"

"Eo. She's the worst." Curious, he turned to her. "And you? Your family.? You guys are the perfect family."

Suji scoffed, turning her head towards the sky. "Perfect? If seeing my parents every red moon is perfect, then I take that trophy huh.." Jaebeom turned to her. "My parents mainly work as travel lawyers, so they're out of town most of the time." She explained. "I'm alone most of the time. You know that."

He understood her. His dad didn't have time for him just as her parents didn't either. The difference, they would put in the effort of catching up on their daughter's life and simply calling her whenever they can. "But they put in the effort."

Suji thought for a while, nodding a bit. "Mm. But I get lonely sometimes" She truthfully said. "Even when Sehun and I are together, I still feel... lonely."

"Suji, don't take this the wrong way." He started with a little chuckle. "But every time you're with me, you always talk about Sehun. Even when you're far away from him.."

Suji felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment. She didn't even realize it.  She turned to him with a soft, sweet smile that he saw only when she talking about him. "I don't know how it happened but I got so used to having him in my life that he became someone I can't imagine myself without. And that probably explains it. But.."  He saw her smile begin to fall, taking a deep sigh.

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