chapter 2

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Y/n pov:

I told john B to drop me off at the Cameron's house so i can help pick out there yard. I get off the boat and say goodbye to my brother and friends.

Ward Cameron was taking me to the backyard to show me what to do.
We get to the backyard and see sarah he daughter trying to hit birds.
"Sorry i am trying to save the mice from the birds" she then stops and looks at me.

She smiles and shakes my hand.
"I am so sorry nice to meet you i am sarah" her dad then leaves and she goes back to trying to hit the birds.


After a while i was by the pool getting leaves and sticks out of it.
Then a blonde boy comes from the back door and stop then looks at me.

He starts to walk towards me.
"What's a pretty girl like you cleaning my pool" he says then laughs
"I am rafe Cameron" he kisses my hand.

I have a small blush on my face.
"Am y/n maybank" he eyes widened
"So your a pouge" he looked at me surprised. "Yeah, that's why i am cleaning you pool" I giggle a little

"Usually I am not interested in pouges but I will make a exception for you"
He grabbed my waist, but then i get pulled back. I look up to see sarah
She was hugging me and looking at rafe with disgust.

"Leave her alone rafe, she is my friend" she says giving rafe the evil eye. He then winks at me then whispers "i cant wait so see you again" then leaves

"I am so sorry about my brother,are you ok" she checks if he did anything once she is done looking she grabs my shoulders and smiles at me.
"Can we be friends" when she said that my eyes widened

"If you don't want to-" i cut her off
"No, i would love too" she then hugged me.


My friends and my brother picked me up and we went back to john B house and they told me about what happened at the hotel.
Then pope walks in "we don't know anything and we did see anything we have complete memory loss" he says

I giggle next to kei, then they were talking about how jj took money and a gun from the hotel I didn't really care.
Then kei was going on about bad karma if we keep the money.

After they were done talking me went out to the dock and i sat there reading a book that i just got.

Since they wouldn't stop talking about the money i went for a walk in
figure 8. Yep i went into kook territory. I was walking on the sidewalk when this car came up next to me. It was rafe and two other boys,

"Hey y/n, come on get in" the other blonde guy stopped the car.
Rafe got out of ths passenger seat and opened the back door for me.
"Oh what a gentleman" I smirked

"Hi, am topper" the blonde boy driving said, i waved to him.
Hey, i am kelce" said the guy next to me in the back seat. "Hi, i am y/n"
I smiled to them

'My brother would so kill me if he knew i was with kooks' I thought in my head but continued to smile.
I drove around with them and then i walked back to john B's house.

Turns out we are throwing a party on the beach. I got on a white crop top with some short jean shorts.
When i got there, there was a lot of people.

All my friends were flirty with people while i just want to get drunk before my brother caught me.
I took over to see sarah getting on top of this red thing and topper trying to get her down.

"What is she doing here" kei looked at her in disgust. Sarah is known for being the kook princess. Her and kei were friends in the 9th and enemies in the 10th and then i guess sarah just dropped her.


It was really dark and i talked to sarah and topper when my friends weren't looking. Then sarah and topper were about to leave until my brother called out to wait. "Hey uh sarah you want this drink" oh god.... "JJ stop she is already drunk" i said to him

"No thanks" sarah said
"What is it not fancy enough for you"
JJ just had to keep speaking
"JJ stop" i warned him again but just ignored me.

"No,we were just leaving" sarah trues to get the hair out of her face.
"You know what i will take it" topper smirks. "That's nice topper, but I didn't ask you" jj does this cocky smile.

"If you say pretty please then maybe"
I grabbing jj's arm to make sure he didn't do anything dumb.
"Oh, pretty please?" Topper was getting closer... "Come on sarah"
JJ tried to give it to her again
Then topper knocked out of his hand and it getting on jj and some on me.

Then they were about to fight but i grabbed jj and sarah grabbed topper.
They were about to leave until topper said the one thing that pisses me off...
"Dirty pouges" john B punched him

Topper punched john B by the water.
He kicked him more in the water.
"Hey, john B don't make me drown you like your old man" my eyes widened

John B tackled him, i was standing by sarah. They kept fighting after what topper said i was done with him so i yelled "get him john B!" I guess sarah didn't mind.

Then topper started to drown john B.
I ran over and tried to get him off.
"Come on topper please let him go"
I started to beg him and trying to get his arms off of john B.

Then topper pushed me hard in the water that a rock cut my hand.
After that jj a gun to toppers head.
Sarah helped me up and took me away from the water

"JJ please let him go!" Sarah yelled at jj
"Did you say something princess" jj still having the gun to his head.
"Y/n can you please get your brother"
I nodded she mouthed thank you.

"JJ please stop your scaring me.." I say to him with tears in my eyes he nodes and lets topper go and then shoots the gun in the air and yelled "get off our said of the island.

JJ ripped some of his shirt and rapped it around my hand. "I am so sorry for scaring you" he hugged me and i hugged back.

While kei and pope were yelling at jj i saw john B fall into the water....

(Ok so i know this story is really bad but i work really hard on this so please just continue to read ❤)

rafe Cameron x reader. ( jj's little sister)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt