chapter 11

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Y/n pov:

Rafe fell asleep i got up and left to go meet jj and the other's, i went john B's
And heard kei getting mad that sarah was here so i stepped in.

I was getting annoyed with kiara always getting mad at sarah over nothing. "Kie back off okay sarah helped too!" I stud up

"Oh shut up y/n just because your screwing a Cameron doesn't mean you have to be nice to sarah!"

"I'm not just screwing a Cameron I'm dating one and sarah just happens to be my best friend!" Me and kie looked like we were going to fight but i didn't want to fight her were still friends...

"This is our thing! A pouge thing!"
Kie just kept going, "and y/n is practically a kook now so maybe you should go live with your boyfriend"

JJ stud up, "kie I'm pissed to that she's hanging with kooks but do not tell my sister to leave got it"

I look at jj and smiled, "we were all fine until sarah showed up"
It looked like sarah had enough
"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Sarah spoke up

"Then leave!" Sarah looked at john B
"See i told you" sarah said to him

"Told him what exactly that your a liar?" Kie just had to keep going
"No, that your a your a shit talking bitch!" Sarah started to get pissed off

They kept going back and forth until john B yelled "EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP!" everyone went quiet

"Kie your my best friend right? And sarah your...." John B started
"Say it..." Sarah said smiling

"Your my girlfriend...." Then they kept arguing so i went inside.

Jj told me to come with him and the boys for fishing but then i saw kie at the dock

"JJ what is she doing here...." He didn't answer but them we showed up to a boat?

I got on the boat and then when we did jj and john B jump off the boat.
I yell they left us here

Then sarah came out, they really left us here! "You guys need to figure it out, there food and jj rolled some blunts!" Pope yells

Then kie and sarah start to take off there clothes to there swimming suits
"g-guys i can't swim that well!" Kie and sarah look at each other

Me and sarah jump in the water,
Then i felt a sting in my side.
"SARAH I THINK I JUST GOT STUNG BY A JELLY FISH!" Sarah helps me on the boat

"Kiara y-you have to pee on me"
"Yeah no I'm not doing that"
"They say t-that helps"

"I have a better idea"
Kie got jj blunts after a while i smoked to many.

I could not laughing, I've smoked before but not this much
They started to go on about why they hate each other so i went to the back of the boat.

I looked at my phone and saw 12 miss calles from rafe, i called him and he was crying.

"Rafe w-what's wrong?" Still way to high to even be talking to him
He was going on about what his dad did and about how he might kick him out.

"Can you come over..." Rafe said
I couldn't and i felt bad cause rafe needed me...

"Sorry rafe i can't...." Then he hung up...

I tried to call him a few time but he didn't answer. I text him almost 20 texts still no answer....

(This reminds me of that song "why you only call me when your high😏")

Next thing i knew it was morning, i still felt so high. Sarah and kie woke me up and helped me stand.

"JJ is so going to kill us" kie and to sarah they finally came and kie and sarah helped me on the boat

"Um girls whats wrong with my sister"
JJ lifted my head.

"How many blunts did she smoke!?"
Sarah and kie looked at each other

"About 15...." JJ eyes widened
"Bubba my head hurts...." I said to jj
"Lets get you home..."

Next thing i knew we were at that axe murders house for the gold, i held on to jj.

Sarah and kie were going heading to the house, "i...i wanna come to!" I started to run to them but pope picked me up and put me back on the ground.

"Sorry y/n you gotta stay" jj said
JJ picked me up and we went into the basement, jj sat me on the ground while they set the stuff up in the well

John B started to go down to in well,
I went up to the well and started to clim in it. JJ quickly grabbed me then grabbed the rope again, "no y/n bad" pope said to me

I pouted in the corner, kie and sarah came running down and telling us that cran the lady that lives her was trying to kill them.

Then that lady tried to shoot us, jj picked me up and we ran but john B was still behind.

We all ran into the van but when
john B came he was covered in mud at least i think it was mud

"John B you smell like shit" kie said
John B had a piece of gold in his hand and everyone was yelling so i just screamed.

Everyone laughed at me and laughed to until i noticed they were laughing at me "hey I'm not funny!" Then they just laughed more and i laughed too


rafe Cameron x reader. ( jj's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now