chapter 16

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Y/n pov:

My phone kept going off, i knew it was rafe but i didn't know how to feel in this situation....

My boyfriend shot a cop, my best friend is the most wanted person in outer banks, my other best friend pope is higher than my brother in 3 days.

I was stressed out i started to feel light headed, "y-you guy-...." Then everything went black....

I woke up in john B's house and it was morning. I look at my phone and i got 77 missed calls from rafe.

I ignored them and made me breakfast, i was here alone.
I look at my phone and jj and the others are at the wreck.

I decided to go on a run then i would head to the wreck. I started jogging then rafe ran up to me, i ignored him and kept jogging.

"Y/n please talk to me..." He grabbed my arm, "rafe please just...just leave me alone... I need some space...."
I said then jogging again

Rafe stood there like he was going to cry. I felt bad but i need some space from rafe....

I still love rafe but after what happened yesterday...i can't see him the same... I ran to the wreck.

Then i saw a helicopter, "what the hell...." I went inside the wreck

Kie told me about how pope told her he liked her, i felt bad cause i knew he liked her.

Turns out the SBI came all the way here for john B.

I went with sarah to tell the police everything but this guy got in front of us. "Sorry officers only" sarah tried to get passed him i was about to talk to the head of the SBI until ward came up behind me and picked me and Sarah up.

I didn't want rafe to get in trouble but i had to do the right thing....
"P-please i know w-who shot the sheriff!!" I yelled trying to get out of wards arms.

Then he let us go and looked at me and sarah. "Okay then who shot the sheriff?" Ward manly looked at me cause he knew i wouldn't tell on rafe.
But i had to this time.... "R-rafe...." My tears started falling

"Sir can we have a private talk?" Ward said to the head of the SBI
He nodded then they walks away to talk. Sarah and I tried to get passed the guard.

Wards pov:

"The one right there is my daughter and she is bipolar and the other one is her friend" i looked over that them

"My daughter is in a relationship with the suspect and her friend is on drugs and is friends with the guy your looking for" maybe i could get by with this after all...

Y/n's pov:
I went to go looking for rafe, i thought it was time we talked
I love rafe and i know he did it for his dad but rafe still killed someone....

I don't know if i can be safe with him... He's still on coke and i can't be around someone like that..

It was storming really bad but i kept running through the streets. I got a text to meet kie, jj and pope at the storage where my dads old boat is so we can help john B escape with sarah.

I need to help john B first.... I ran the other direction.  I got there and i see kie and jj but not pope.

We heard someone walk in, "pope finally"i said getting up
Then rafe walked in and jj hurried and put me and kiara behind him.

Then barry that drug dealer jj stole from came behind us. I grabbed onto jj's arm, kie tried to stay close to me.

Barry grabs me and pointed a gun to my head, i looked at rafe with tears in my eyes. "Barry not that one..." Rafe said

"Shut it country club" i just closed my eyes wishing it to be over, i was terrified of guns ever since i was little...

Barry let go of me and punched jj about his money. "JJ! RAFE LET GO!" I yelled at rafe, rafe held me and kie while barry kept punching jj.

I slapped rafe and and ran to jj and punched barry in the face. Kie was yelling at rafe while i helped jj up while barry was still on the ground.

Then rafe started choking kie, then pope came in and hit rafe with a crowbar at his legs.

They started fighting as i helped kie.
Pope kept punching rafe but rafe was about to pass out. "POPE STOP!" i screamed

Then pope grabbed a rope and started choking him, "POPE PLEASE STOP!" i ran over to him and tried to get him to stop, i was a crying mess.

Pope finally stopped and i grabbed rafe and laid him on my lap.
"Y-your o-okay..." I wiped the blood off his face and barry ran off.

"Y/n we have to get to the dock for john B... " jj grabbed my arm
"J-JJ i-i can't leave him like this..."
Rafe was passed out in my lap

I kissed his forehead and laid him on a tarp. We all waited for john B at the dock but he was late so we thought he could be caught...

Then a cop truck pulled up we were all worried until john B came out and we all sighed in relief.

"Where's sarah..." John B looked at us
"We thought she was with you" kie said after a little john B got on the boat and agreed to go without her.

I hugged him and started crying,
"I-I'm sorry i should of s-stayed away from rafe and maybe t-this wouldn't had happened...." I cried into his shoulder

"Don't blame yourself cause you couldn't have stopped it.. Y/n be with rafe if that what makes you happy..."
I nodded then he drove away

I smiled, then kie and pope kissed and my jaw dropped. We were about to leave but then a lot of cop cars surrounded us. "Your to late" i raised my hands and smiled.

The storm was getting bad and i was praying he would make it...
It was dark outside and we were in a tent with the cops.

"Sit down don't move" we did as he said i sat next to jj while kie and pope sat together.

Ward came in and started talking to john B and sarah but i was still praying.

Then the cops came in and we stood up. "Did you find them...." Pope said
"No..." Come of the cops said

"JJ, he got away!!" I smiled
"Not exactly...we...we lost them..."
I was confused... "There boat sunk..."
When i heard those words i fell to the ground. My two best friends are...dead.... jj hugged me so did kie and pope. We had a group hug and we were all crying.

Then pope and kie's parents came in, they all cried to them while i hugged jj and cried them kie's mom hugged me and jj...

Hehe so i decided to keep going the story even tho season 2 isn't out yet so i hope you like my next chapter❤❤❤

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