chapter 6

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Y/n pov:

We were on john B's boat when we saw topper and sarah on there boat.
Sarah looks at us then see's me and waves.

Kei quickly looks at me so does everyone else but john B. Sarah just ignores everyone but me, she puts on her sun glasses and hold on to topper's side.

"Don't pretend like you don't see us bitch" kei said then looking back at me. "What the hell was that" kei and Sarah didn't have a good history.

"It was nothing kei, i just helped clean her yard." I said getting out a book

"We will talk about this later..." JJ says looking upset too.

I had john B drop me off that the house, when i got there i put one of jj's shirts over my bathing suit and put on some jean shorts.

I got a text from rafe saying to meet at the bone yard. I walk there and see rafe sitting in the sand looking at the water.

A slowly sit beside him, he turns his head to look at me. "Hey..." He said plainly "hey..." I laughed a little.

Rafe slowly puts his arm around me pulling me closer to his chest.
He kisses the top of my head,
"I don't know what we are yet but I can't wait to find out..."

"Me too, i really like you rafe..."
"I really like you-" rafe got cut off my his phone ringing.

"Do you want to come to my house?"
He seemed in a rush so I said sure.
We got to his house and before he could open the door his dad opened it.

His dad looked really upset, he then looks at me then back at rafe.
I saw sarah run down the stairs,
Rafe pushed me behind him.

Sarah moved her dad to see what was going on. She see's me then quickly grabs my arm and runs me upstairs.

After a couple of minutes sarah and I
Quietly go downstairs. We see rafe and his dad on the balcony arguing,
"I gave you the money to get the back up generators so where are they!?"

"There on hold, there was a Hurricane!" Rafe must of spent the money on something else...

"You need to get your shit together!"
Ward knew he lied about the generators.

"You can live in the cut with that pouge for all i care!" Ward said taking a sip of his drink. "Dont call her that!"
Rafe look more pissed than before

"Then act like a kook!" Ward said slamming his drink down.
"Yes sir...." Rafe said looking down

"Now get out of my sight!" Ward yelled at rafe, rafe got up and then he saw me sarah.

"Rafe-" "leave me alone dirty pouge"
My eyes widened, i heard sarah yell at rafe but all of i could think about is his words...

"I told you not to buy that bike with the generator money" sarah says

Rafe started to walk off, i didn't care what he said before. So i followed him to his bike, "what do you want!?" Rafe says turning around to me.

"Let me come with you...."
He thought about it for a second then tossed me a helmet.

I held on tight cause of how fast rafe was going on the hills. We showed up to this crackhead house, i look at rafe but he then grab my hand and held it has we walked to the front porch.

'Does rafe do drugs....' I had to think positive, he is probably here to talk about the bike....

As we were walking at the steps i see my father. My father is a alcoholic and a addict, my eyes widened.

He looked at rafe then at me, "y/n...."
I couldn't tell if he was mad or not.
"Rafe go without me..." Rafe looked unsure but them went inside.

Me and my dad went on the side of the house. "What the hell are you doing here and where is JJ!" My dad yell at me with a beer in his hand.

I flinched and tried to get out my phone to call jj, he took my phone and through it acrossed the yard.

This might be a trigger warning for some people so if your not comfy with abuse skip

He then punch me and slapped me a few times. He finally left and I hurried and ran to my phone, i hurry and called jj even though i know i will be in trouble with him.

I wanted to go tell rafe but he seemed busy so i sat by a tree waiting for my brother.

JJ and john B finally gets here, jj hurries and gets out of the van.

JJ walks over to me pissed.

"J-JJ am sorry i-i should of not came here" i started to cry, jj helps me up
"Lets talk about this later...." JJ says putting me into the van

I text rafe saying i needed to leave.
He didn't reply so i turned off my phone and laid on jj's lap while he cleans my face.

We picked up kei and pope they didn't ask any questions about my face.
JJ was about to smoke, i looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Fine, only cause your hurt" jj laughs while handing my the blunt.
I coughed a little it was my first time smoking but i knew how to take it in.

(Yes this took me long than i wanted but its okay cause i am proud of this chapter 😗💅)

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