chapter 26

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Y/ns pov:

We started fighting, I punched this girl in the face that I've hated for a while. Then i kneed one of the guys in the stomach while JJ was knocking a lot of kooks out.

Then out of no where sam tackles me, "really going after the smallest that's a pussy move" i said punched him in the face and kneed him in the balls

"Asshole.." I looked at my bruised arm, then i heard a gun load behind me.... I froze where i was and slowly looked behind me

I see sam pointing a gun at JJ, my heart started beating faster. Then rafe came out of no where and ran up to sam. "Dude, what are you doing we agreed no weapons..." Rafe put his hand on Sam's shoulder

"Here rafe do the honors" sam smiled and handed rafe the gun still pointed at JJ.

JJ's hand where up while all us pogues where scared but all the kooks were laughing and smirking. Sam came up behind rafe and kept whispering in his ear.

"Rafe, don't listen to him..." I knew sam was telling him lies... Rafe's face kept changing expressions

Rafe's pov:

As much as i hate pogues i can't kill
y/ns brother... Besides when topper took her me and him kinda got along.

Sam kept whispering some bullshit in my ear, "what would your dad think about you defending pogues?" Sam says

I froze.... "I-I...." My head went blank when people mentioned my dad...
"He would want you to kill all of them..." Sam kept going

I clenched the gun, "i can't..." I sighed and put the gun down.

Y/ns pov:

He put down the gun, i smiled. The kooks left but rafe stayed, JJ thanked him. "Hey y/n we are all going to eat at the wreck you coming?" John B looked at me while so did everyone else.

"Yeah-" i stopped and looked up at the school window and saw my mom, "actually go without me i forgot my books in my classroom..." I walked into the school and into the room i saw her in

In my heart i know she came here for a reason but i like to think she came back for us to protect myself from the truth...

"Mom, what are you still doing here..."   She had to be up to something....
"Y/n, lets have dinner.... I need to discuss something with you..." She seemed nervous

She took me to this diner on the north side of town, "y/n, i know you and your brother know i didn't just come her for nothing so I'll tell you why I'm here..." It hurt more when she said it out loud...

"I came here because i want to be close to you and JJ but... I have another family as well...." She smiled a little

My heart sank.... "S-so you didn't come back for us because you already replaced us?" I looked down still in shock

"No! no! Of course not... Listen y/n.. We are moving here for good and they will be here by tomorrow so i want you to meet them..." She said hoping i would agree

I stud up and started laughing,
"listen mary, stay away from me and my friends got it!?" I yelled while people looked at us

I grabbed my bag and walked out, 'is she seriously!?, she can go to hell....'

(Okay so i feel like in season 2 JJ's mom will come back and she'll have another family so it's just a theory but i hope you like this chapter💅)

rafe Cameron x reader. ( jj's little sister)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora