part 32

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Y/n's pov:

I walked into school wearing a baggy shirt and some old ripped jeans i had. I sat down in class and slowly dosed off, i woke up to the bell and go up but the teacher stopped me. "Is everything okay you usually don't fall asleep in class well not until i get to the second chapter" he laughed a little

"Yeah I'm okay just didn't sleep well.." I said then walked out, i don't have a problem with kie and JJ screwing but i know one of them will catch feelings... And knowing JJ he doesn't do relationships and kie has trust issues.

The point is i don't want them to end up hurt, i walk into marys class and sit down. I drew on my paper while she eyed me while pointing to the board, "miss maybank are you paying attention?" She walked over to me

"I am paying attention as much as you paid attention to your family" i didn't bother looking up at her i just kept drawing. "Do i need to send you to detention?" She was obviously getting annoyed

"No..." I rolled my eyes and started doing my work. After class i went to lunch and sat in the middle of pope and john B so i would have to sit by JJ or kie.

We ate in silence until rafe and sarah showed up, sarah sat next to kie and rafe sat acrossed from me. "Why is it so quiet?" Rafe looked at us

"I was wondering that too?" John B said and sarah nodded to agree, i stayed quiet and played with my food.
"I messed around with JJ!" Kie suddenly shouted

John B,sarah and rafe's eyes widened. I'm guessing pope found out and was upset about it to cause he hasn't said anything this whole time. "Rafe lets go" i got up not wanting to be in this awkward situation

I grabbed rafe's hand and walked away, "where are we going?" He asked me. "Somewhere away from here just for a little..." I sighed

"Lets go to one of my family's beach houses for a couple of days..." He grabbed his phone checking to see what ones we should stay at.

"That would be perfect..." I just had to get away from all this drama and craziness... I wrote a note in my dads handwriting saying that i have a family emergency and i won't be at school for a few days. I didn't tell anyone where i was going i just packed my bags and got in rafe's car.

(Rafe made some excuse with the teachers)

Once rafe and I hit the road i turned on the radio and started to have my own mini concert. Rafe laughed and kept glancing at me while he drives.

After a little we stop and go get food, "y/n don't you think that's a little to much😂" he said while pointing to my three whole bags of food.

"" Once i got in the car i got out a piece of cake, "it looks so good!" I was about to take a bite until rafe stole my fork and eat the first bite.

"Hey! You said you didn't want any when i asked you in the store!" I started eating the slice of cake i had on the napkin.

"Yeah well now i want some" he laughed while giving me a napkin to wipe my face. My phone rings for the 20th time today but i put it on silent.

After about 40 minutes we get there, i grab my suitcase and goes in. "Wow it's amazing here!" I look around, rafe brings me to our room and i start unpacking. "This place is huge..." I go into the bathroom amazed how pretty it was

((I don't think I'll be posting for a few days😅 I just don't have the motivation, i know  this isn't fair for you guys and i am really sorry❤))

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