chapter 13

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(Watch the video above😭)

Y/n pov:

JJ started acting weird....
He drove to that guys house, i looked around and noticed this is the place rafe took me...

Rafe is selling coke... I won't let that get in the way of our relationship...

JJ went inside and came out with two bags of coke!? I understood why this was important to him...

If it wasn't for that guy our dad wouldn't have gotten addicted.
Every one was yelling at jj and i couldn't take it anymore so i got out of the van and walked to rafe's.

I got to rafe's house and went to his room, he wasn't there so i went the back yard and saw that guy that pulled over me and my friend's over and tried take the gold.

Rafe was yelling at him and pushing him, i could only hear a little of the yelling.

"You put a gun to my girlfriends head!!" Rafe pushed him
"I had to! And your girlfriend and her brother stole 25k!"

"Wait what!?" Rafe looked confused
"Yeah so if you can't get it back from her ask your sister she was there too but you better get it back or I'll do it my way!"

Then we walked away and rafe started running his hands through this hair.

I walked up to him, i hugged him and he looked like he didn't know what to do. We went inside and cuddled for a little, "you have to give back the stuff you stole from him..."

"I didn't take it jj did and he's not giving it back" i said

Then i looked at rafe, this was my time to ask him. "Rafe are you selling coke..." He quickly looked at me

"How did you find out..." He tried not to make eye contact with me,
"It wasn't hard to figure it out..."

"I-" i cut him off. "don't worry I'm not going to break up with you or anything"

He sighed in relief, i kissed his forehead and got up. "I'm going to make you something to eat okay"

He nodded, i walked into the kitchen and i got a text from john B.
I told rafe i had to go, he said he had to go look for sarah.

I got to the wreck and saw sarah and everyone but jj. They told me what happened after i left, they wanted to bring all the gold up at once we all agreed but john B had a fishing trip with Sarah's dad.

I started thinking about jj, i hurried and got up and ran to my dad's house.
I got there and jj was trying to open The door to show our dad the money he stole from that drug dealer.

"Oh look we're all together again" my dad said me and jj look at each other.
"Me and jj have been staying at
john B's" i look at my dad nervously

"I didn't ask where you and your brother are staying" our dad doesn't even look at us

"I knew you guys would come back when you we're hungry" he grabbed a tool and went back to working on this thing.

"I got the 25k for y/n's restitution..."
JJ took off his hat

I look at jj with surprise, he stole that money to help pay off my restitution....

My dad took the money and was going on about some sale, jj look pissed that he wanted to spend the money on dumb stuff insead of my restitution.

"Please just do the right thing for once for y/n" jj knew what was going to happen...

"You know how much you little shits cost me every time you get thrown in jail!" Our dad started to get in jj's face.

"This nut is not going to the cops, no"
My dad got out of jj's face and put the money in a container

"No, I'm going to go south and triple it" jj's face started getting mad

"Dad!-" jj got cut off my our father
"You got something to say boy!?"
He yelled at jj, i held jj's arm and told him to calm down and that it's okay i didn't need that drug money anyway but he really wanted to help me pay it off...

Our dad started walking away, until jj told me to grab the container with the money. I nodded and tried to grab it but my dad tackled me.

JJ finally got my dad off of me and started fighting him, i quickly got up and wiped the blood off of my lip amd nose.

He started choking jj so i got on top of my father and started punching him.
Me and jj started to run but he grabbed both of our ankles amd tripped us.

He kicked me in the side and punch jj,
JJ pushed him outside and i followed.
Then jj got on top of him and kept punching him over and over.

"All you ever did was try to scare me and y/n!!" JJ kept punching him
"I'm tired of you hurting us!!!" JJ grabbed a tool that was beside him and raised it.

"JJ no!!" I hurried and held his arm
He stopped punching our dad and lowered his arm. "We aren't scared of you any more...." JJ said getting up

I grabbed the money then hugged jj and we stud there crying together.

(Sad i know😭 like i feel so bad for jj like he's so broken😭 okay okay i need to stop crying now and say i know the first few chapters are trash but we have gotten so far😃
Thank you for the love😢)

rafe Cameron x reader. ( jj's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now