Chapter 89

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( How do ya'll feel about light limes? 🍋)

The Marlowe And Bronze circus was a fraud show. According to Mephistopheles, at least.

Although he had never been, he said he heard his share of rumors. However tomorrow, that second hand rumor would become a first hand opinion. . .

Tomorrow, he would take Clari on their first date. Although it wasn't really a date. It was a mission.

The ringmaster had his schemes. He actually called them his tasks. Clari was the one who called it his schemes.

He had a history of sending out his performers to spy on other shows that were in town. Whatever information they gave him, he would twist it into a new, better act for the Moonlight Carnival.

Clari was beyond surprised he freely bragged about his crimes. If anything, wasn't he the fraud? He was the one stealing acts for himself! She didn't dare to object with him though, despite how much she wanted to. Instead she kept her lips tight as she listened to him talk. . .

And he talked a lot about this little schemes.

The couple was striding down the sidewalk, both of their arms free of any rolled up posters as they either folded them behind their back, or stuck them in their pockets. Together, they had successfully finished hanging advertisements.

Mephistopheles had showed her the best areas to tackle when advertising, and even gave her tips when it came to the matter.

Clari wasn't sure where Anishaa had went during this, and sort of regretted leaving her behind. The ringmaster was too stubborn to let her go back to working alone. He was almost like a toddler throwing a tantrum when she first objected his offer to stay.

It was rather cute to see him flustered and pout. She ultimately couldn't say no to him.

The last few hours of light passed quickly, and dusk greeted the performers with gentle wind and dimmed lamp posts. At this point, the streets were empty besides a few passing people. Mostly men in long trench coats passed. Occasionally they'd pass a woman or two as they claimed a street corner. They seemed to be waiting for something. . .

Mephistopheles noticed a particular woman ahead of them, immediately grabbing Clari's hand to steer her in a different direction across the street.

" Where are we going?" Clari asked in confusement.

" To our hotels, of course. I'm sure by now everyone else has already retired for the night." He replied simply.

" Yes, I figured we were." Clari rolled her eyes. " But why did you avoid that woman ahead of us? She was just standing there under the lamp light! She wasn't doing anything wrong. That was rather rude."

" Rather ru-" Mephistopheles stopped walking, turning to look at her innocent face once they reached the opposite sidewalk.
" My dear, do you not see a disgrace to society when they're right in front of you?"

" I beg you're pardon?" Clari scoffed. The ringmaster gave her a raised brow, tightening his lips. He glanced back to the woman who now stood on the other side of the street behind them.

" Harlots, Clari." He half whispered. " They serve this world as family wreckers, and thieves. Obviously I will not deal with a skimpy dressed woman tonight. I don't want to encounter one, ever, to be exact."

" Who's to say they would even be interested in you? Your mask isn't exactly attractive. And anyways, Har. . Uhm. . Harl. . .ugh! Those women, are just women! The same as me. The same as any other living person! Do you honestly believe they want to do the things they do? They're only trying to make a living, Mephistopheles! Are you blind to the point where you can't see it? I believe your time under the stage lights are affecting you. There are some things you just don't seem to see."

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