Chapter 18

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January 19th, Saturday

Being woken up so suddenly, along with the sound of loud commands, was definitely something Clari knew she had to get used to. The thought of that made her groan. Perhaps she didn't fully think her plan through?

It was early morning, Clari had to bet at least five, when the circus group ended up reaching the train station. They were an hour early before the trains departure, but she guessed that was perfect timing for the circus. After all, they did have to load up their equipment in the train carts she imagined they paid extra for. So before Clari could even shake her sleepiness away, she forced to get up and help the performers as much as she could!

Luckily for her, they let her help with the smaller items they had. Mephistopheles paid off the owner's of the wagons who brought them to the train station, thanking them for their help before leading the group away. He instructed Clari to stand next to him the entire time, not wanting her to get lost so quickly. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to feel insulted or not. . .

" I don't want to lose anyone in the midst of loading everything onto the train!" Mephistopheles yelled over his shoulder to his performers. " I'm only saying this once! Pack your assigned things onto the train cart, then get on board with your tickets in hand! You should've already gotten them. If not, go see Houdini for them now! Have I made myself clear?" The performers shouted a few yeses before going to fulfill their tasks.

Clari followed Anishaa as she helped the troupe load everything onto the train carts. Once all the small things were on, the men of the group began loading the heavier things. The females of the group were then sent to find their seats on the train. Clari had to admit, it had been a while since she had put herself into work. She was almost used to servants doing the hands on jobs.

" You'll sit in my compartment, right Miss Hinojosa?" Anishaa asked with a gleam in her eyes. " I never would've pictured seeing you again after last night! Now I'll get to see you everyday! Perhaps I can teach you how to swallow fire? That could be your act!" Clari only nodded, not ready to hear how her voice sounded yet. She found herself afraid to find out. Although it didn't hurt anymore, it did feel dry.

Just when Clari was about to hop onto the train after Anishaa, a hand reached out to grab her wrist pulling her back. She turned to see Mephistopheles, his mask still nestled in place.

" Not so fast, Miss Hinojosa!" He spoke seriously. " Before you step foot on that train I need to make sure your clear on what your future will look like. You will not be able to turn back to your old life. Stepping on that train holds a very different life then the one you're used to. I'm telling you this now."

Clari frowned a bit, disagreeing with his statement immediately. She had only been living luxury for a few months, and life on the street was just plain bad. She was sure even life with the carnival could out beat living like a street rat. Of course, she couldn't tell him these things. At least not yet. Lord knew he'd immediately stop and leave her stranded for lying about her place in society. Leaving luxury seemed to be the only reason he agreed to let her come.

" Are you still willing to follow us, and become part of the troop?" Mephistopheles asked her. Clari felt herself nod. A firm, quick yes. There would be no turning back for her. Mephistopheles nodded, slipping his hand from her wrist to her hand giving it a squeeze. " Good. Let's just hope your family doesn't find us then, Miss Hinojosa."

Noticing he reached into his pocket to pull out cash, she immediately reached into her own.

She was the one willing to join the circus. It was only right that she paid for her ticket this time around, not him. He didn't know he'd end up bringing along an extra person. Finding her wad of cash, she quickly stuck her hand out to him. He looked up in surprise at this.
Clari found this as the perfect time to try and speak.

" . . . It's only fair I pay for my. . own ticket. P-please just take it." She was able to talk, but it was still a bit hoarse. It wasn't that bad of a problem anymore.

Eyeing her a second, Mephistopheles finally moved to take her cash.

" Very kind of you. But I'll let this happen only once. You hold a valid reason. Get onto the train, I'm going to get your ticket."

Clari nodded, going separate ways with the ringmaster as she boarded the train. Turning to look back at him for a split second, she caught a glimpse of his figure walking towards the ticket booth with his back turned to her. She saw him slip his mask off, but from where she stood nothing was revealed. A voice behind her made her turn her gaze away from his figure.

" Come on Miss Hinojosa! I have a private booth for the both of us saved!" Anishaa smiled, usuring her over. Clari immediately followed, putting the ringmaster to the back of her mind.

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