Chapter 56

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January 31st, Thursday

The next morning found Clari snuggled up in her bed. She had a large cotton stuffed blanket weighted ontop of her small body, trapping her in it's coziness and warmth. Even her pillow was softer and fluffier than she last remembered! It was a good morning to sleep in.

Groaning lighty, she shifted to lay on her stomach, pushing her face into her pillow. Exhaling a sleepy sigh, she slowly began to drift off to sleep again. What was it that woke her up in the first place again?


Oh. It was that.

She groaned, grabbing her covers to pull over her face. From across the room, Anishaa whined too.

" Who could that be!? Practice isn't until another hour!" The fire eater pushed herself to sit up , slumping a bit in annoyance as the knocking continued. Looking to Clari's hiding form, she grabbed her pillow and threw it at her.

" Oof! H-hey!" Clari yelped scrambling to sit up.

" Answer the door! I got it last time!" Anishaa whined, laying back down in her covers. Clari wanted to object, but didn't bother to after some thought. Grudgingly she crawled out of bed, throwing the pillow back at Anishaa in the process. Anishaa groaned from underneath her covers, but didn't get up. Clari gave a small yawn, stretching before moving to answer the door.

" Good morning, Lady Starlett! Plans to sleep in foiled?" Mephistopheles smirked down at her. He leaned casually against the door frame, amusement crossing his face. Clari had to blink repeatedly to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

" M-mephistopheles?" She yelped, her sleep jumping right out of her system. From behind her in the room, she heard quick fumbles of sheets. Anishaa was immediately up and ready too at that moment. " What are you doing here? Practice isn't until another hour!"

" Ah, you know what they say. Early bird gets the worm. But really, who would even want the worm?" He replied simply, pushing off the door frame. Instead, he moved his left forearm to rest against the frame as he pushed the door open a little bit more with his right hand. After looking around a bit inside her shared room, he looked down at her.

" Anything planned for yourself this morning? Nothing on your schedule besides later tonight?"

She frowned a bit, shifting to fix the large light blue night dress she wore. She had borrowed it from Anishaa, but it was bigger than her petite size. The shoulders kept sliding down. . .

" Only sleeping in. I was rather comfortable until you knocked on our door!"

" Well. My sincerest apologies for interrupting your beauty sleep. It's obvious it truly does do you some good. Maybe next time I'll just sneak into bed with you so no one is disturbed?"

Clari's cheeks flared while Mephistopheles beamed. The unshamed flirt.

" What do you want Mephistopheles? You must've come for a reason this morning." Clari asked in a huff. He snapped his fingers, grasping onto her comment.

" Yes! Of course!" He started. " This morning I find myself absent of serious work, and I lack any motivation to sleep further. You see, beauty sleep is something I can go about not dealing with. Aside from my devilishly good looks however, I have a sweet tooth calling for attention. Lady Starlett, would you mind if I ask you for tea this morning?"

She blinked.

" You woke me up to borrow tea? Sorry but we don't have any-"

" Nono, you misunderstood." He laughed, a slight shade of pink blossoming on his cheeks, and over his nose. With a shake of a head, he asked again. " I'm asking if you could join me for tea this morning in my chambers?"

Her heart drummed, and her pulse quickened. He was asking her to have tea with him!? The overwhelming excitement was too much for her heart to handle.

" I'd love to! Yes!" Clari grinned, standing taller. Suddenly through the excitement, she felt eyes on her back. . . Anishaa was still there and listening. Her friend liked Mephistopheles! And here she was, agreeing to go out with him to his chambers!

It wasn't like it was a date or anything though! He was just lonely and seeking company! And if that much was true. . . surely he wouldn't mind an additional person to tag along!

" Maybe we can bring Anishaa with us too! We could all-"

" No!!" Mephistopheles interrupted suddenly. He paused at his outburst, gathering himself. " I- I only have enough for two people this morning. You and me, Starlett. Perhaps next time Anishaa?"

The fire eater was silent, sitting motionless on her bed as she stared between the two.

" Y-yeah. Next time I'll tag along. Anyway, it's too early for me. Those flames of mine tend to lick up my energy. You both go."

" Wonderful to see some maturity." Mephistopheles smiled at Anishaa. Unfortunately for her, it wasn't one of his signature teasing ones. It was just a satisfied grin. Turning back to Clari he gestured her to follow him with a tilt of his head. " Tea will get cold if we wait, darling. Can't have that, now can we?"

" Wait! Shouldn't I get dressed into something more decent?" Clari questioned, lifting the skirt of her night gown. To her surprise he gave a whistle as he eyed her up and down.

" No. You look devine this morning. Tussled brunette locks, makeup free face, and just a dash of sleep. Mmmm what a look on you. Now let's go!"

Clari watched for a second as the ringmaster turned on his heels and marched off. She hesitated to follow, instead looking back to Anishaa as if asking for permission. To her dismay, the fire eater was laying on her bed with her back turned to her. Clearly, she didn't want to talk after that rejection.

Tightening her lips, Clari closed the door behind her with a soft click. She then jogged over to the ringmaster's side as he waited for her at the stairs, her bare feet beating against the cold wooden floors as they reunited and walked upstairs together.

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