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In the story charlie does use ASL to communicate I will show her using sign by using italics. she is not mute she just does not like to use her voice due to her stutter.  

This is not my first book but it is definitely better then the other one I am working on. please leave comments on what you think I could work on so I can fix it later on also write what you like so I can do that more in the future. I hope you enjoy! 


Hi my name is Charlie and to be honest I don't have the best life. I used to but all it crumbled away the day my mother and twin sister died. Me and Emilia were only six at the time. I wish she was still alive. The day she died I lost a piece of myself, a piece I don't think I can ever get back but so desperately want. I should also be dead right now too you know, but I was stuck home with my grandmother and grandfather since I had a fever. I really wish they stayed home or took me with them because maybe they would still be alive or maybe I would be dead with them but the world is not meant to work the way you want it to. But to be dead would be a lot better than the hell I am currently living . My other family tells me I have a curse that makes all those who love me die but I don't know if I believe them yes my mother and sister died but that was a car accident and I was not even there and grandmother died of a heart attack when I was eight how could that possibly be my fault the only one I blame myself for is maya's but I don't even know if she is dead, I only know that she is missing and has not been seen in four years. I miss her so much. Her life was similar to mine except the people who were abusing her were her mother and father not her aunt, uncle and cousin. Speaking of them they are currently calling for me. I can't wait.

I sat up in my sorry excuse for a bed all it really is is an old blanket and a mattress with the springs sticking out of it. I am honestly surprised I have not gotten tetanus yet.

After a few seconds I decided to get up so they don't come up here and kill me. No matter how much I wish I was dead I don't ever want to die at their filthy hands.

"What took you so long you brat make us breakfast now" my snotty cousin Abigail yelled at me. She may only be fourteen but she is taller than me and well not stronger but she doesn't need to know that. "O-ok" I said walking into the kitchen now you may be wondering did you stutter yes, yes I did. Most people think it is because I am scared of them but it is not. I have had the stutter since I was little. When I was six my mother had put me in speech therapy but my grandparents had to take me out because they could not afford it and my aunt and uncle could honestly care less about me. So here I am with my lovely stutter which even though I don't mind I still wish I did not have as it makes me a bit self conscious so I don't talk too much.

As i was in the kitchen making their breakfast my uncle walked into the kitchen "pack up your things we are moving tomorrow to italy since I got a good job offer you will go to school there and you will behave you don't tell anyone what happens here and you can go but one misstep and no more school you understand" he spat I could smell the alcohol on his breath (I mean it is five o'clock somewhere. right?) I nodded my head and instantly regretted it there was a sudden pain in my gut due to the punch he just threw at me and he spoke again or should I say spat (like dude learn to keep the saliva in your mouth please) "you know better then to answer like that. Now do you understand!" "y-yes u-u-uncle under-s-stood" I answered back verbally this time damn stutter.

After I finished making their breakfast I snuck a piece of toast and went up stairs to start packing my and Abigail's things since she obviously can't do it herself. I actually can't wait to move. I get bullied at my current school even the teachers pick on me. Just before I leave have to make sure johnny knows, he is my manager and he sets up all of my fights and is honestly like a brother to me he knows what is going on at home at least I think he does I never told him but if you look at me you could tell since I am covered in scars and bruises. Which when I fight I don't try to hide because fighting in the ring is the only time I can let myself be free and not the abused stuttering freak. In the ring I am the Silent Killer. I got that name due to the fact that I don't speak and trust me people have gone to some interesting lengths to try to get me to talk let's say those are sadly no longer with us well some of them not all of them.

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