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no ones POV

Toph could only trust a few people in her life, mainly since her parents only let her meet a few people. But Sokka? Damn she could trust him with her life.At first she just clanged to him when they went flying on Appa or went on a boat, but the trust started to grow. They had this connection, unable to explain. 

After the gang had saved the nations from Ozai, they were all tired as heck. They needed a vacation. Zuko went with Mai on a trip to ember island, and Ty Lee may have jumped along. Katara and Aang went to the south pole, to see some snow once again and practice water bending as a couple.

Suki went and hanged out with the other kyoshi warriors, bringing back some wonderful memories. Another thing, Sokka and Suki had broke up after they realized that their destiny's were pulling them along different paths. 

So that left Toph and Sokka. "hey snoozles, Ihro said we could go visit him in Ba Sing Se and spend a week or so with him when ever we wanted, how about we go there?" she suggested. Sokka raised an eyebrow, "I thought you hated Ba Sing Se." He pointed out.

She shrugged, "yea, well I love Ihro! Plus the only other place we could probably go is my house, and thats a no." she shook her head. Sokka smile and nodded, "ok, I'll book us a boat ride there, if you are ok with that." Toph started to fidget with her fingers, a bit anxious. She couldnt see that well on boats, and plus the only boats that they could go on had wood floors and wood floors.  She then nodded, "only if you promise you wont let go."

"I promise." Sokka smiled, wrapping an arm over her. Toph then punched his gut, "thanks snoozles."

On Boat 

"Sokka.." Toph said, holding onto him tighter. They had just go on the boat, making her very nervous.  He squeezed her hand to let her know he was still there, "dont worry. You are ok." He said. She nodded, not losing her grip at all.

"ok, we should go down to our room, people are staring at us, im not sure why." Sokka said, bending down a little. "oh really? Gee, im not sure why people would stare at two of the people who helped take down the fire lord." Toph said, sarcastically. "oh, right." Sokka chuckled.

He then guided them down to their room, where they were spending the night. It wasnt bad, it was very nice to be honest. The one problem, was the one bed. "oh heck." Sokka mumbled. "what?" Toph asked.

"there is only one bed." he said, leading her to it so she could sit down. "oh." she mumbled, "well, if its not to weird, we could share." she mumbled. Sokka nodded a little, "yea, its pretty big so wouldnt be bad. N-not that it would be bad i-"

Toph punched Sokka, "shut it snoozles. lets just get ready for bed." she said. After they changed they got into bed, each of them on one side of the bed. But threw out the night Toph had turned to where she was facing Sokka. She started to scoot closer to him. She rested her head on his chest, wrapping her arms around  him. They both found themselves smiling even though they were dead asleep.

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