Not looking for somebody with some Superhuman gifts

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set in book 3 between episodes

Sokka's POV

"Katara I need back up over here!" Aang called to her. They were on the middle of fighting combustion man again. he had tracked them down while they were setting up camp for the night, and just their luck, he was focused on doing as prince Zuko asked.

Sokka started to rush to Aang's side, "Im coming!" He said, pulling boomerang from his pouch. He got in position to throw it, but he was to late. Toph had make the ground above him, sink him down, as Katara and Aang used the water from the near by lake to slow him down. 

Th gang jumped onto the back of Appa and started to fly off looking for a better place to spend the night. Once they believed they were far enough away they landed in a cave and started to set out their sleeping bags.

Toph yawned, "Mind if i stay out here with you guys? Im to tired to make a tent right now." he said while rubbing the tiredness out of her eye. Katara shrugged, "sure, I will set out the extra bag next to Sokka." she said, digging through their stuff.

Sokka sighed and laid down on in sleeping bag, facing away from everyone. The others had noticed, and started to whisper among themselves. Sokka crossed his arms and just shut it out as they continued to bicker about.

Soon, his eye lids started to feel to heavy for him to keep open. He sighed and closed them. He wasnt asleep quite yet, but just as he was about to drift off into a dream, he felt someone lay nex to him.

He pushed it from him mind and started to dream. well, night mare.

He had a dream of the others kicking him away from the gang since he couldnt bend at all. He shook his head and started to whisper to himself, "no, they would never do that." but the dream only got worse. The only thing  he could do is wake him from the nightmare. 

He woke with a gasp, wide eyed. He sighed and got up, not taking a glance at his team. He walked out of the cave and sat the the sore of the river by the cave. He sighed and looked into the crystal water. He thought- no. it was a stupid thought. but maybe if he tried?

he hovered his hand over the water and thought of the way his sister could water bend, and started to hope he could to. He closed his eyes and held his breath for a minute before accepting the fact that he was just normal.

 He was Sokka.

The sarcastic meat  guy.

He sighed and looked at the ground for a little, until he heard a voice from behind him. "Sokka?" His heart jumped from his chest as he flinched at the sound of his name. He looked behind him to see the blind girl who was meant to be asleep.

"hey Toph." he said, "why are you up so late?" she shrugged, "I could ask you the same thing." she pointed out. They were silent for a minute before e patted the land next to him for her to sit. She did, and they stayed silent for another minute.

"Im just thinking I guess." Sokka started, "Im the only normal one in our group. I feel less important than the rest of you guys." he sighed, "I mean you guys basically have super powers."

Toph shook her head and placed her hand on his, " You dont need powers to be a hero." she told him. He looked to her with a thin smile, "really?" he asked. She nodded, "yea! But they sure do help." he added in.

He sighed and looked away again. Tophs smile faded, "Look, you are not basic, or normal, or regular, or anything. So quit telling yourself that." she instructed him, "You are great just the way you are."

He looked to her again, "I am?" Sokka asked. She nodded, "yea, you are." she waited before punching his arm. Sokka hissed in an : OW! while rubbing the new bruise. He then smiled and looked at her, "Thanks Toph."

"anything for you, snoozles."

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