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Toph's POV

Toph had passed out half way during truth or dare. And, its a pretty interesting story on how she got to where she now. She was curled up under a thick blanket, while her head rested in Sokka's lap. He had taken her hair out of the space buns and started to run his fingers through her hair. And this is how it happened.

8 hours earlier 

Toph showed up at Aan's apartment, sleeping bag in hand. She had also brought Momo, her seeing eye lemur. He flew down and landed on her shoulder. She petted him before knocking at the door, "hey twinkle toes! open up!"

Soon the door opened and Toph walked in, greeted by Aang, Zuko, and Suki who were already there. She smiled and tossed her stuff to the side, sitting next to her 'brother' Zuko. She leaned up against the couch,  " so where is sugar queen and snoozles?" she asked.

" Sokka says he is picking up some extra snacks, along with some games." Zuko said, reading off the text  that the meat head had sent him, "they should be here soon." he said, sitting his phone to the side.

And he was right.

Before Sokka or Katara could knock Toph sat up, " They are here!" Aang smiled and softly jumped over to the door and opened it to relieve Sokka, hands full of bags, and Katara who was bringing in their sleeping bags. Suki looked over at them before going over to help, " whoa, what all did you get?" she asked.

"chips, ice cream, whip cream, cookies, some snacks for Momo and Appa, so they wont try to eat each other ." Sokka chuckled. He sat down the bags with a thug. Soon he started to pull out a couple different kinds of ice cream, "ok, we have strawberry, chocolate, vanilla,  chocolate chip, and cotton candy." he smiled, " let me try to get what everyone wants." he said, mischievously.

"Avatar Aang," he said in his fancy voice, " how does chocolate sound?" he asked with a smile. Aang nodded, "yess please! and with whipped cream!" he added. And thats what Sokka served him. 

Soon Zuko got strawberry, Katara got vanilla, and Suki got cotton candy. That left him and Toph, "so Toph." he said, "I got a special one for you!" he then pullet out some mint chocolate chip. He then presented it to her, "what do you think?" he asked.

Toph shrugged, "I think that you keep forgetting that im blind." she waved her hand in front of her face. He then sounded kinda embarrassed, "oh, sorry." he chuckled, " I got you some mint chocolate chip!"

She smiled, "thank snoozles!" She said, "id love for some whipped cream as well!" He nodded and served her the ice cream. He then got himself some chocolate chip ice cream.  He then sat between Zuko and  Toph.

" so what are we going to do?" Aang asked, taking a bite of his ice cream. Katara shrugged, " Im not good with choosing sleepover or party games so how about we search up some." she suggested. Everyone agreed.

Soon katara had copy and pasted a lot of games to a online wheel. The first one was spin the bottle. Toph felt a bit weird about that. No way was she going to kiss anyone here. Mainly Sokka. She had the biggest crush on him and didnt know what to do if she landed on him or if he were to land on her.

"how about if we dont feel ok with kissing, just a peck on the cheek." Aang suggested, knowing the only one he    wanted to kiss here was Katara. Everyone agreed. Suki then got an empty bottle and sat it in the middle of the circle before sitting back next to Aang.

"ok, oldest goes first." she chuckled. All eyes ( but Toph's) landed on Zuko, who was focused on his strawberry ice cream. He then looked up, "oh great." he mumbled. He then spun it, still eating his ice cream. They watched it spin, while Toph felt it, until it landed on Katara.

Zuko raised his eye brows, "uhm, yea, sorry Katara but.." he trailed off. Every one knew that they were just best friends. Lets just say that he was going to be her maid of honor. He then walked over and quickly kissed her cheek before sitting down. it was silent before he narrowed his eyebrows at everyone, "this game is weird." he pointed out.

After everyone going, mainly with cheek kisses, the only lip kiss was between Katara and Aang. Soon it was Toph's turn. She sighed and twirled the bottle. The bottle then spun around and landed on....

Zuko. It landed on Zuko. I bet you were thinking it was going to land on Sokka, but nope. Zuko. he then pecked her cheek and then she did the same. She the groaned, "ok, no offense Zuko but Im done with this game, whats next?" she asked.

Katara spun the wheel, and it landed on hide and seek. Everyone agreed for Zuko to search for oldest first. Toph started to believe he hated being the oldest. So as he counted to 50 everyone  started to dash around Aang's home.

Toph made her way to the bathroom counter. She got into the cabinet witch had nothing in it. She the curled up as much as she could and closed the door. Soon the door opened, "oh sorry." Sokka whispered. Zuko then reached 45. He looked back at her, "can I join you? please?" he begged. She nodded and got in with her. "its so dark." he whispered.

"oh the terror."  Toph rolled her eyes. Sokka then flushed with embarrassment, "sorry." soon after what felt like forever the door was opened by Zuko. "found you." he smiled. They then got out.

After a few rounds it was Toph's turn, witch ended in two seconds. "48...49...50!" she then turned around, "twinkle toes out from behind the couch, sugar queen out from under Aang's bed, Suki, out of the bathroom, Zuko out of that cabinet and Sokka." she shook her head, " do you think i cant 'see' you if you are standing on a cushion ? " she asked.

"oh." he chuckled. Aang then crawled from behind the couch, " ok, from now on, Toph only hides, and does not seek."  Everyone agreed once again and they played a couple more rounds until 10:00 pm hit.

"ok, last game is truth or dare." Katara read off her phone. So everyone got back into the circle they were in for spin the bottle. "ok, Suki, truth or dare?" Zuko asked. She thought over it a little, " truth." she smiled.

"ok, who broke up with who? you or Sokka?" he asked.  "well, we just felt like the spark wasnt there, so we both broke up with each other. im not very sure." she shrugged. Sokka nodded, "yup, but we are still the best of friends!" She winked at him.

A couple rounds went by, including Katara and Aang being cute with each other. Then it was Sokka's turn. Katara knew about Sokka's crush on Toph, so it was time to make Tokka, official. "Sokka, truth or dare?" she asked.

"dare! im not chicken!" he smiled, crossing his arms.  "ok." she chuckled, "i dare for you to let Toph to lay her head in your lap." She smiled with a bit of an evil look. Toph's eyes widened, "wait what?" she asked. "you heard me, lay your head in his lap." she repeated.

"o-ok." Toph nodded. Toph then laid on her back, crossing her legs, laying her lead in his lap. The game continued , not that interesting. Soon everyone started to  drop dead asleep.  The only ones left was Zuko, Sokka, and Toph. but they thought Toph was asleep.

"so, do you really like her?" Zuko asked Sokka. He nodded, "yea, ever since she helped me with soccer practice I started crushing." he mumbled, "some people may think its weird since we are three years apart, but love holds no age." he shrugged, "unless a 13 year old is dating some one who is 28, i dont know what they would be doing with their lives?" 

Toph bit her lip, trying not to chuckle along with the boys. Zuko then yawned, "ok, imma sleep." he bent down and kissed Toph's forehead as in brotherly love before laying down in his sleeping bag. Sokka then carefully pulled out her space buns and let her hair down. he then smiled and started to run his finger's through her hair.

Toph then felt more relaxed and her eye lids fell close calmly. She fell asleep limp and started to drift to sleep. "night snoozles." she mumbled in her sleep.

He chuckled, " night Toph." he said quietly, " love you." he added.

" i love you too."  

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