You know..

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"My hands are cold!" Sokka whined as he dropped the snow in his hands. "Then get some gloves!" Toph said a bit annoyed.  Sokka crossed his arms, using a voice that sounded lke a fussy two year old girl, "No! Thee gloves are itchy!"

Toph then grabbed one of his hands with her hand, "There, will you shut up now?" she asked. If she wasnt blind this would be a good time to purposely not make any eye contact.

Sokka grinned, "You know.. my lips are cold to-"

A snow ball was launched at Sokka from across the field, "HANDS OFF MY SISTER!" a huge person yelled. Sorry, it was just Zuko in twenty puffy jackets.

Moral of the story... dont buy gloves in Texas when it snows..

i need request i dont know wat to write

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