I Will Be Your Eyes

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This Is Set After The War ;3

"Camping, one last go!" Aang smiled, as he wrapped an arm around his girfriend, still facing the rest of the team. Sokka raised an eyebrow, "camping? like how we did when we were running from the fire lord, Azula, fire nation, Zuko-" He paused and looked over at Zuko, who was just watching him, "n-no offense."Zuko shrugged it off, "i gues im down for it, considering im the newest here I hvent gotten to do much with you guys." He folded his arms, "But just one night. im still the fire lord and have a lot to do." he pointed out."of course sifu hotman." Aang bowed to him. Zuko just rolled his eyes. Katara agreed to go, and Toph did aswell. They all got on the back of Appa, and started to fly into the unknowen. Toph had clung to Sokka the second Appa moved. She held tight, and Sokka just chuckled a little. Katara smiled a bit to, and looked over at Sokka, "should we pick up Suki? I know you would be happy to see her."Toph's heart shrunk a little when she heard Suki's name. She liked Suki, dont ger her wrong, she just had a slight crush on Sokka. During the whole battleship slice thing, she sorta felt like a thrid wheel till it was just her a sokka. Sokka then rubbed the back of his neck, anxiously, "yea, about that.." he mumbled."Suki and I kinda broke up." Silence filled the air as shocked exspressions fell on Sokka. ( besides Tophs) "the whole long distance relationship thing didnt work out so great. She kept moving around, helping people so we never had time for each other." he exsplained."oh sokka." Katara gasped, "im so sorry." She said, comferting her brother. He sighed, "its fine, plus i have my eyes on someone else now." he smiled a bit.Toph slightly smiled when she heard that. At least snoozles was going to be ok. After a little longer, they found a great place to make camp. Everyone helped, even Toph. Zuko did the fire, Aang and katara got water, and Sokka and Toph went for food."why am I on food patrol? newsflash, i cant see." Toph spat out. Sokka chuckled, "yea, but you can help carry food," he pointed out. She shrugged, "true."The two continued to walk some more, that was until.. "Sokka! Watch out!" "what-" Sokka tripped and fell in a hole. Surprising? nah. Toph jumped in after him, and landed right next to him. She got to her feet and turned to Sokka, "you Meathead!" she yelled, " i told you to watch out! now we are stuck!"Sokka rubbed his arm, " we are not stuck!" he attempted to climb the wall. After failing he looked back at Toph, "ok, we are stuck." he admitted. "any way out?" he asked.Toph felt around with her feet to find out that they were just i a very deep hole and the only way out was the way they came in. She then scanned around and stepped on the hot rock that was in she sunlight. Sokka helped her and the sat down.  Sokka groaned after Toph explained the situation, "we are going to die down here!"" thats what you said on the air ship, but hey, we are still alive." Toph said. Sokka just rolled his eyes. They then heard rustling from a bush by the hole. It happened to be Momo. He felw down next to Toph, scaring her a bit. Sokka gasped, " we can get Momo to get Aang, Katara, ad Zuko!" After Sokka sent Momo back up, they just stood there, waiting. Soon night had fallen and it started to get really cold. They sat next to each other a bit awkward. They didnt say a thing, until Toph spoke up, "what does it look like?" she asked. Sokka just gave her a weird look, " you know, the night sky." she finished. Sokka sighed and looked up, " well there is the moon, its a huge circle up in the sky. Its bright, and gives us light in the night," he started, "the moon spirt's name is Yue, she was my first girlfriend."Toph nodded as Sokka continued, " and then the sky is always a blueish purple that is space. and when the sun sets, you can see all these diffrent colors." he smiled. "it sounds beautiful." Toph smiled."yea." Sokka nodded. "thanks for being my eyes, snoozles." she punched his shoulder. He chuckled while rubbing it, "any time."

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