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Toph's POV

"SOKKA! GET DOWN!" Toph yelled at her boyfriend who, was up in a tree. Why? Toph couldnt remember at this point, but she was irritated by his actions. she had  to get him down before she exploded.

"No! Zuko is going to kill me!" He yelled at her, gripping the tree as tight as he possibly could. Toph sighed and placed her head in her hand, "Why on earth does Zuko need to kill you?"  she asked.

"Well, Aang and I were joking around, making puns and Zuko told us to stop so I said : if you dont wanna have fun, you could Zu-go." He said, nervous, "now he is after me and plans to burn me to a crisp!"

"he wont! Just get down!" Toph yelled back, about to be done with this crap. "No way!" Sokka yelled, climbing a bit higher. Thats when it hit Toph. What was the most scariest person (besides Zuko) that could get him down? " I WILL CALL KATARA!"

"Go ahed! Call my sister! Ill fight here and still stay up here!" he yelled, "Plus she is visiting gran gran, so she  cant come." he added in. Toph cursed under her breath as she thought of what else could possibly get her stubborn boyfriend out of a tree. She then felt her pocket, feeling a bag with cookies.

" I have cookies!" she said, "and you can have them if you get down, stay down and snuggle with me for the rest of the day." She said with a smile. She could hear Sokka gasp and he got down as fast as he could. He tripped when he first got down, but got up fast. She handed him the  cookies, and he opened the bag, stary eyed, eating the first one.

" I totally could have fought her off." He said, mouth full of cookies. Toph rolled her eyes, "i know you would" She giggled a little. "now take me to our apartment, we have a day of snuggling to get to." She smiled, and took his hand. Sokka smiled himself and pulled her to where he parked. They got in car, but Sokka waited a little, "could you text Zuko not to kill me? You guys are basically siblings." he pointed out. 

"fine." she said, pulling out her phone, " Hey siri, text Edgy Prince : Dont kill my snoozles or I will kill you." she told her phone. And the phone replied, "  You want me to send, Edgy Prince : Dont kill my snoozles or I will kill you?" it asked. "yes." Toph said, and it was sent.

Sokka chuckled a little, " I love you." he said, chomping on another cookies. Toph smiled, "I know,lets go." she said, pointing to the "open road." They drove for a little until they reached the apartment they shared with the rest of the gang. Katara was visiting gran gran and Suki was spending a week with the rest of the Kyoshi warriors, so that left them, Aang, and Zuko by themselves. 

"tell Aang they opened a new platypus-bear exhibit at the zoo, that will keep him and Zuko away for the rest of the day,, so we can be alone." Toph told him, as she sat down her bag.  Sokka nodded and quickly called him, and by the sound of it, Aang was very exited. Sokka hung up and grabbed Tophs hand and sat her on the couch next to him.

Toph sat in his lap and rested her chin on his shoulder, as he hugged her, rocking them side to side a little. Toph smiled as  Sokka laid down, making her curl up, then resting her head on his chest.  Toph then made a little fist, and sat up a little. "Whats wrong?" Sokka asked.

"I want you hoodie." she said. He chuckled and pulled it off him, and put it on her. She pulled the hood up, and laid back down, smiling, taking in the scent of the thick hoodie. And they stayed like that until they fell asleep.

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