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"We have to find him" he stammered angrily,
"How could you loose him? And how could      you let him morph?"

"We nee to find him before the games start,if not he's going to destroy the time chamber and take over"

Go search everywhere end everyone who come in between.....


I’m so sufficient


A huge wave came across the Los Angeles
beach. Earth shocked the god named Apollo rose from
the ground. He had a stygian iron breastplate and a pair
of gleaming bow and arrows. He shrank into size of a
normal human size and headed towards Los Angeles
There was a boy called Alex Jackson he was sixteen. His
grandmother was a Sri Lankan so that technically makes
him a half Sri Lankan. His mother was always going away
for her work. So he was always alone I his house.
He loved Greek mythology; he loved Greek gods and heroes too. So he made fake daggers and swords that was
his hobby. He had an impressive talent he could make
cool stuff with any material and he loved dark places. Her
mother’s name is Jenny Jackson.
He had two best friends called Jack and Alicia. Most of the
friends dislike Alex because he didn’t talk much.
Everybody thought that he was a gloomy character.
But there friends new the reason for this they swore and
oath to never tell that they will not reveal the secret at
any course.
. . . . . . . . . . .
That day when I was at the school our teacher Miss Jonson
said that we were going to see the underground tunnels in
Los Angeles.
That day I was so excited till the school was over because
you know me,
I love dark places. After school was over I went to meet
my friends, Jack and Alicia. Jack was Chased by kids they
sound very mad. “Hey Alex help me”! Jack wailed.
“What did you this time dude’?
‘He ate all our food!” Seriously bro,
So then what I had to do?
I saw those beautiful hamburgers calling my name. You
have a wild imagination dude.
So what I suppose to do?
All right let’s talk about the guys are you coming?
Yeah, sure.
So are you exited? Yeah I can’t wait just only another two
. . . . . . . . . . .
That day I went to bed early. Because I wanted to get ready early
in the morning for the trip.
Then I went to bed then I felt a sleep then I saw a weird dream.
I was in an island it was filled with weird and happy creatures they
were playing happily.
But suddenly a cold wind passed by and trees collapsed and every
window burst to the power of wind. All the creatures ran and everything became dark.
And I heard a whisper saying that
‘’dark always wins,
darkness is unlimited one day even stars burn out’’
and then suddenly I woke up to the sound my alarm clock.
It was five thirty a.m. then I got out of bed and went towards the
My grandmother was cooking. I went towards the fridge and
asked my grandmother for some food. She told me to take
anything as I please from the fridge. So I took some French fries,
burgers, pizza and some chicken wings.
Then I headed towards our basement. I found some torchers and
rope I took extra batteries too.
Then I got dressed with a t-shirt and trousers.
Then I waved goodbye to my grandmother and grandfather and
headed towards my school. My friends were already there to
meet me.
They were talking to each other. Then
they turned towards me. “Alex! Good morning!”
We are been waiting for you.
“So what did you bring?”
‘I brought more and more snacks to crunch on and my camera
and my PC’’.
“Cool I brought comics to read.”
Are here comes the bus come on lets catch a good seat.
Then we got onto the bus and caught three seats for us. Then our
teacher got onto the bus.
We all got quiet.
This will be a long a trip children so I think you brought some stuff
to do while were going.
We were talking for a long time and then jack told that he was
very hungry.
So I got my snacks out and we started to eat them it was very
yummy. Alicia complemented me for the food and then jack said
now we should read comics.
I agreed with him. “So what are the comics you brought?”
“Brought avengers comics and other stuff’.
“But for you Alex, I brought you a book about Perseus because
you specially love Greek mythology”.
Cool thanks bro.
Then suddenly the bus stopped. Then the bus stopped.
Our teacher announced that we are arrived at our destination.
‘so guys,
do you really think that Greek mythology is real?
“Yeah, I guess Greek myths are real.”
“Yeah I think the same”
Alicia grinned while they were heading towards the tunnels. Our
teacher showed some passes to the a guard and we entered to
the tunnels.
“You were right Alex;
it’s very dark in here.”
“Yeah good I brought some flashlights”
Our teacher asked us to explore the tunnel ourselves. We went
inside it was very spooky it had statues of almost every Greek god and goddess.
I like Greek mythology so much because of the demigod heroes.
I first started to like Greek mythology because I found a book
called “Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters’’ I first read that
book when I was nine.
It was the best book I ever read.
It was written by Rick Riorden. After finish that series I read the
“Heroes of Olympus’’ series. My favorite hero is Percy Jackson.
So we were exploring the tunnel then I suddenly heard a creaking
sound from a statue.
“Hey guys can you see those weird signs’’.
One of a kid in our class said.
“What weird?”
He pointed towards the letters.
That clearly says “time has come”
then something triggered in my head. A distant memory I had
when I was little.
That was the same thing my mom said before she left me in the cupboard.
“Alex! How could you read those letters?”
The boy asked. I was surprised of myself.
“I….. I….. Don’t know.”
Then the sound increased. Then one of the statues started to
Then a voice spoke in my head. “Don’t reveal your identity” the
voice spoke.
I was so confused reveal my identity to whom? I told what the
voice said to me to my friends. Before I finish the door blasted.
And a shadow appeared and started to attack us. We were scared.
One boy stood shivering in front of the shadow.
I could tell from his face that he was very terrified. Then the
shadow groaned.
And lifted his black claws and sank it to the boy’s chest. He felt to
the ground instantly.
There was something gooey in the monsters hand that scene
terrified me. The gooey thing was the boy's heart It was still pumping then he ate the heart. We all ran towards the
exit but we had lost track of the exit. We ran as fast as we can
begging for the exit.
We reached the dead end.
The shadow was in front of us. I closed my eyes, thinking that this
was the end.
Then suddenly a group of skeletons appeared from the ground.
And they started to attack the monster.
Then a huge portal opened where we were just standing. A huge
pair of hands appeared from the portal and grabbed us.
We suddenly appeared in a huge forest.
But to my surprise some kids were taking swords and running
towards the lake. And the person who rescued us began to talk.
“Hey bros” he said.
“I’m the god Apollo.”
I sensed great power in you three kids. What are your names by
the way?
“I’m Alicia,”
“I’m Jack” “I’m Alex.
So why did you bring us here anyway? That doesn’t mean that
I’m not thankful enough for rescuing me, but seriously why did
you bring us hear?
“I guess that you might be demigods”
so I brought you to CHB.
“You mean camp half-blood?’’
I spoke in joy Yeah, where young demigods learn to fight
monsters and stuff.
“ I think you might know somebody’ here do you know my best
demigod friend Percy Jackson.
“Percy Jackson is in this camp!”
I cried in happiness.
“ If you want to meet him there he is go talk to him.” “Seriously?”
“Yeah. Go talk to him,”
I ran as fast as I can towards the bench Percy was sitting I was so
amazed of the beauty of camp half blood.
There were many trees I never seen or imagined the leaves of the
trees are very beautiful. “Hey kid Percy called,”
“new camper huh?”
“Hey Percy,”
“you know my name?
How can you know my name?”
I’m a big fan of you Percy, I said. I like Percy more because our
similarity in our names, then I remembered the voice in my head
telling to keep my identity safe.

                      End of chapter 1

Alex Jackson And The Mixed DemigodWhere stories live. Discover now