this damned school play pt. 4

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your pov / sunday afternoon

I scan the lines of my script for what had to be the billionth time all weekend. more specifically, the lines that come before and after our multiple kisses. first, when Juliet and Romeo first meet at the party, the second happens during the scene where Romeo climbs up her balcony, the third takes place at their low-key wedding, and the last when Juliet kisses him before ending her own life.

there's definitely a couple more than I expected. i'm not complaining though. actually, i'm more giddy, nervous and overwhelmed then anything. if i'm being honest, i've felt like this since the second John confessed to me and the feeling hasn't lessened a bit.

i've yet to see him today and maybe I shouldn't be a disappointed as I am. I suppose everyone needs a little break from the person they want to be around twenty four-seven once in a while.

we have already started practicing our lines together friday afternoon and yesterday. the only thing we haven't practiced is the kissing. neither of us have tried to make the first move, and i'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared to. I mean, we've literally confessed that we're in love with each other-

"y/n?" my mom calls my name from outside my bedroom door, followed by a light knock. sitting up from lying on my stomach, I beckon her into my room. "honestly, I wasn't sure if you'd be here. lately, you seem to be running off to that secret location, that no one can know about, a lot more." she gives me that look that's silently asking me to tell her about it.

shaking my head, I watch as she visibly deflates. "i'm sorry mom, it's between me and-" and now she knows I go there to meet someone. her eyes are wide with shock as she processes the newfound information. "and someone I won't tell you about." I quickly follow up. "anyways, what did you need?"

her mouth opens and closes before she tells me, "the Orlando's are coming over for dinner tonight to celebrate you and John getting the lead rolls in your school play." now it's my turn to be shocked, and she can tell. "dear, close your mouth. I know you and John are just friends but obviously your theater teacher thinks you'd be good together for this play." though, I appreciate her attempts of soothing my 'irritation', she's completely misread me.

"great! I mean- cool, great. sounds fun, I can't wait. how should I dress?" really, i'm ecstatic, and partly nervous. not that we haven't had dinners with the Orlando's before, we have, it's just a little different this time around.

she lays her hand on my shoulder. "it's nothing to over-think, y/n. just something casual, but not too casual. they'll be here around six, so be ready." with one last pat of my shoulder, she leaves my room.

immediately I begin to rummage around in the clothes I have stuffed in my dresser. long sleeve? no. jean shorts? no. low cut tank top? no. sweatpants? nope. it feels like everything I own i've worn a thousand times. I want something that I haven't worn in a while. . . . something that'll catch Johnny's attention. so I move on to the clothes in my closet. flannel? definitely not. long skirt? ugh, no.

then my eyes land on it. a royal blue sundress with simple shoulder length sleeves. it stops mid-thigh and flows beautifully when I spin. i've only worn this dress once before to some party last year and, unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to show John.

he's sure to like it, I hope.

after I lay the dress out on my bed and check my phone for the time, which is 4:52pm, I hop into the shower. the whole twenty minutes I spend under the shower head i'm thinking about what we'll say to each other and what our parents might ask about the play. I turn the water off, wrap my hair in a towel and slip into a robe.

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