Chapter VII

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"You...!" She spits at my feet, pointing her long porcelain finger at me. This seems familiar.

"Have I done something to offend you in any way?" My wolf asked, not fully showing in my words but enough to hold power.

Instead of replying she slapped me across the cheek. Stephan and Gretchen gasped, followed by silent growls. They both didn't make a move to reprimand her in anyway, like they couldn't or they would be breaking a rule.

"How dare you steal my mate from me! Since you got here I've been pushed aside!" She snarled and bared her teeth at me. I froze and sniffed the air, who was her mate? She smelled like cherry and apples. Where have I smelt that before... Macho Man. I remember when he hugged me he smelt like apples, which surprised me. For such a big tough guy he sure smelled nice.

"I haven't stolen anything Éire, Mac gave me a good luck hug. I have no intention of stealing him. Ever. I have no need." I told her simply glancing at Stephan.

"Is he not good enough for you, is that it? Let me tell you something I am in the Council. Do you know what that is? It's a group of advanced supernaturals who protect the people and control the troubled ones." She glared at me before continuing, "I know what you are, you are trouble that's what you are! Grace, Veronica, Kate, Lindsey, and George care for you and you will just end up being the one who watches them die!!"

What is wrong with this lady? I know I'm not good for these people but I wouldn't allow myself to die if anyone had the thought to harm my family. "Tread very lightly with your next you listen here. I have spent my entire life dedicated to control and strength, if something were to happen to my family I would protect them. You and your Council will stand no chance in harming ANYONE OF MY FAMILY. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!!" I shouted my eyes blending into bloody red, I've been pushed a lot recently. Not that I'm not in control I just can't be subtle about a subject like this.

She stared at me for the longest time, seizing me up before she dropped the act and jumped into my arms latching on like a koala. "Eeeee, I'm sorry about that, when Gretch said that we had THE Amelia Odin in our arena I had to see if you were as strong as they say!" Stephan had yet to move, Gretchen was obviously done with her games and went to talk to Cathleen. "Oops sorry Alpha!" And with a snap of her fingers he was mobile again.

"Éire please don't do that anymore, it hurts staying in one position for a long period of time!" He huffed pulling me into his arms so my back hit his chest. "Amelia, how about we go sit on the couch and cuddle?" He whispered in my ear, completely ignoring the cheerful bouncing girl in front of us.

"Are you mates? Have I been gone for that long that our Alpha, who I might add was a hardass, finally took notice to a girl? Even after all those bimbos upstairs?" She circled us, firing question after question, Stephan still ignoring her as he worked on kissing my neck. "You picked well I have to say, she has power and she can take you down, I bet if you two fought she would win!"

He couldn't help but laugh at that, "She already has..." And with that he kissed my cheek and pulling me to the couch and grabbed a blanket at the same time.

"I didn't know you could be nice; look at that you learn something new every day!" Éire smiled warmly up at him while sitting in the other couch with Cathleen and Gretchen. Marshall was somewhere, even though it was a pretty open space it was easy to get lost in here, this place had so many rooms and hallways for these simulations. Every couple of minutes Gretchen and Cathleen would look at a piece of paper in their hands then look up at me then whisper then look back at the note.

"Sorry to ruin the sweet moment but Amelia would you take a look at this...." Cathleen trailed as she handed me the note.

I wiggled out from the warm nest Stephan had made for us and reached for the note, as I went to grab it, it burst into flames.

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