Chapter XI

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I've heard of out of body experiences before, most of them being centered around dreams and glimpses of the future. No one told me about encountering a two headed monster that could kill me with a swipe of its hand, so you can imagine my surprise when it was just three feet away from me.

What's even stranger is that I am currently in walking distance of my physical body, I apparently can now see soul strings, I look like my seven-year-old self, I can interact with everything around me by "summoning my true self" as Aileen would say, and oh yeah I can actually see my wolf in all her glory. Yet it's not fake, maybe some elements of the creature and wherever we are, but this almost feels like the arena. Everything is blurred or foggy everywhere I look but its white and there is familiarity with this situation. I haven't been here before so what's happening, it's as if my memories are being intertwined with this and are coming back mangled I can't make sense of it.

This creature is the least of my problems right now, I have to get back into my body before the council or whoever tries to kill our pack....

"Hey! I'm stronger than I look you big dummy!!" I yelled up at him, both of the heads looked down toward me. One head was covered in green metallic scales scowled at me, while the other one had brown fur with streaks of blood with razor sharp teeth, and horns spiraling out from its hairline; was smiling. They reminded me of the theatre masks, both were contrasts of one another. The more feminine face was male, while the more masculine face was female.

Oh god... maybe that is not the right approach...

I know it's not the best plan but that big meanie just insulted us, who just does that?

Okay, it's terrible that you didn't have a childhood but I need you to return to our real age.

What are you--

"Dummy? So you haven't return yet Princess... what a shame, nonetheless we must proceed with the trials." The reptilian male said, "you see one of us tells the truth..." He leaned towards me, "while the other only tells lies." The bull-like female finished.

They freak me out Mia, I've never been a fan of underworld creatures.

"Can we just finish this?" My wolf voiced as I backed away slowly.

"You are permitted one question to ask the both of us, as the one who speaks the truth can only lead you toward your future..." The creature said mysteriously. I stop in my tracks. Seriously? I mean they could kill me if they wanted to but they chose the this?

"Wow, talk about stereotypical. But what the hey, I'll humor you..." I scuffed at them, I felt ridiculous honestly, this isn't some video game or fantasy...really I felt like a knight on their way to save the day by slaying the demon that plagues the village. "Okay then, you think you're so clever? What's two plus two?"

The male spoke first and said "56." The female spoke immediately after, "4."

My wolf and I shared a glance, I wonder if they deliberately screwed themselves over?

"Alright, well lady looks like you need to lead me to my 'future'... ohhh so mysterious," I plastered a fake smile to mock them, before dropping it, "let's get this over with shall we?" I turned my back to them, lifting my arms in an overdramatic shrug.

There was a loud clanking noise from behind me, I spun on my heel only to have a spear shoved in my face. I deadpanned as a blinked up at the male's head.

"What are you doing, I've beaten you fair and square. Where's my future?" I swatted the sharp edged point out of my face.

"We are two trials! I have activated my partners powers! With them we shall test you! Get ready!!" The female yelled, crouching and leaning forward as if they were going to pounce.

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