Chapter V

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(AN: Im so mean, I left it on a cliffhanger MWAHAHA, ahem....anyways enjoy!)

I woke up in the infirmary with my body on fire, I was sweating like crazy and Gretchen was nowhere to be found in the tiny room. I rushed toward the bathroom turning the cold water on full blast and cupping my hands under it, I splashed my face numerous times before I couldn't feel the burning anymore. I looked into the mirror to see strange barely visible black markings almost crawling up my neck. What the.... I don't remember having markings. Rubbing my eyes, I looked back into the mirror only to see no markings, well that's weird. The day just began Amelia and you're hallucinating, great.

I shuffled back into the room, seeing Stephan, Mabel, Gretchen, and a stranger now occupying the room, they were all looking at me with blank faces.

"What's going on?" I asked making sure to hide my emotions.

"Amelia....why don't you sit down?" Mabel said, her eyes never meeting mine, as if she was afraid to show me something.

I sat down on the lone chair they left empty, looking at their faces I still couldn't see any emotion. I looked up at Stephan, he was the only one who was staring at me, he's eyes were filled with admiration. That's a first, shaking my head I cleared my throat.

"Is anyone going to tell me what's happening?" I asked timidly.

"Well there is a couple of things Miss Odin, my name's Marshal. The first thing to discuss is that you miraculously saved six of our pack members, all of whom have no signs of even being in battle and losing." Marshal said his voice quiet as well.

"Not to mention that you're my mate..." Stephan whispered.

I leaned back in my chair, the mate thing wasn't much of surprise. Don't get me wrong I never imagined to find my mate here, but over the few weeks everything in me just knew. On the other hand, though the "healing people" I'm not really sure what to make of it.

"That being said not many people are capable of that, so today we have prepared trials for you. There has been some people who can heal but also have other gifts, we are just going to see if that is the case with you." Marshal continued, this time speaking a little louder, as if trying to shut Stephan up.

Gretchen walked up to me and took my hand, "My child, the trials are meant to test you, use your fears against you.... I want to let you know most people who take the trials don't make it alive." She said solemnly dragging me behind her as she followed Marshal down the infirmary hallway.

It's been a couple of hours since Gretchen told me to stay in my room, she said it was necessary so I wouldn't run... but I mean who was she kidding? With everything that's happened I felt like I needed to do this, to at least find out what the flip is going on with me. Then finally someone was knocking on my door telling me it was time.

I jumped off my bed in the workout clothes Mabel had given to me: a loose grey shirt, a sports bra, and black shorts. I was also given a backpack that was secured tightly to my back. It made me wonder though... how long was I going to be in these trials? The backpack weighed close to twenty-five pounds!

Mac (macho man) was currently leading me to the arena, which apparently was stationed underground where only a select few knew about. The air was stale and the lights were dull, if I wasn't a werewolf, I'd think I was in some horror film. I walked behind Macho Man until he abruptly stopped causing me to almost smack into him. I side-stepped him to see that we were already here. We were in front of huge steel enforced door, just looking at it made my nerves in the pit of my stomach come alive once again.

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