Chapter VI

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I have found a new appreciation for naps.

It's been several weeks since my first task and all I've had is trouble. The second and third trials were a walk in the park for us, both dealt with things I had to really focus on perfecting when I was appointed Alpha; mental strength and control. But these trials really meant it when they were testing my mind and my control. I was in the simulation for over two weeks. Two freaking weeks. Two weeks of sitting in my backyard where I grew up while keeping a mind reader out of my head. No sleep, no eating, nothing but pure silence and silent annoyance.

So I will repeat; I have found a new appreciation for naps. Cathleen let me have a full day to recover after that painful experience but I took a two-hour power nap and I went back in for the second wave of mind reader hell. I'm finally out again, this time I'm taking the full day to recover for the next trial......I don't know if I can see Claire again, even in a memory. I hoping with my whole being that it chooses a different memory. Even if they did pick a different memory how was I supposed to prepare for this? For seeing something that will crush me, ruin me to the point where I am defenseless? The answers simple; I can't.

"Amelia..." Stephan voice sent a shiver down my spine. He took one of my hands in both of his and moved my fingers, examining them. "I want to apologize for the first day we met..."

"There is nothing to apologize for, its already forgotten Stephan." I sighed as he raised my hand and lightly placed a kiss on my knuckles.

"I just-- what if you don't make it out of these tests? Not that you aren't excruciatingly strong... but even the mighty fall and I don't want that. I know the next trial is a terrible memory. I also know you don't trust me to tell me everything...." He said slowly, selecting his words carefully.

"Stephan we are mates. I trust you with my life, which isn't something I'm used to," I let out a shaky breath. "I know where you are headed with this." Standing up before walking around the arena, "My past is more than tragic, because tragic implies that it wasn't the person's fault." I sighed and turned to face him.

"Don't say that, of course you had no way of knowing. I don't know what happened but I want to know... just tell me" He looked me sternly in the eyes before he pouted and has this disheartened look. This man....

"You'll think differently after I'm done." I rolled my eyes and continued our stroll. "A long time ago when I still lived in Huntley, in the backyard you keep seeing, I met a little girl named Claire."


"We finally finished it sweetheart, it was worth it." Daddy said stroking my hair admiring the tree fort.

"Maybe now the other children won't be so scared of me. Even Casey doesn't have a tree fort, that's makes me popular, right daddy?" I asked him looking up at him with big eyes.

"Casey has nothing on us sweetie. And you know what? We are having a group meeting soon to introduce a new member... I heard they have a little girl as well." He picked me up as I squealed and set me on his back as he ran around the tree fort.

"hahaha-- daddy stop, I'm getting dizzy!! Ahhhhhh!" I shouted as he continued to run and skip with me on his back.

"Oh those aren't the magic words Lia, nothing can stop the fierce monster from stealing the princess! Mwhaha!" He laughed as he grabbed me only to set me on the ground as he tickled my sides.

"HAHAHA, NO STOOPPPP! Mooooom, MOMMY HELP!" I yelled, hoping my mommy would save me. As tears were pouring from my eyes and I became breathless mommy came running out with her pink cupcake apron on and a wooden spoon.

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