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my through felt dry as I started to speak  "lets start from the beginning, my family has vampire blood running thru are system. it gives us surtin ability's like your speed, strength, and healing. some of us get special abilities, mine personally being a shield. ever scence I was 13 I've hunted and killed vampires. were trying to end the species, but I don't want to any more. I..I.. I cant do it.,"

jasper hugged me, "its ok you don't have to.," then Carlisle spoke "you can stay in the guest bed room.,"

I looked up after jasper let loose "thank you all.," I took down my shield so they know they can trust me. "that's amazing I can sense the vampire but its very faint.," Carlisle inquired.

I simple smiled a little and asked were my room was, Alice answered "ill show you, fallow me.," I fallowed her up stairs and down a hallway. she eventually lead me to a room "its not much.,"

I looked at her "its amazing.," the room had a big window view of the forest with white walls and a beautiful canopy bed. "I'm glad you like it.,"

"hay, allice, do you guys have extra clothes. i know its Friday but I still need clothes for school.,"

she looked over to me with a big smile "no not exactly, but you can barrow one of jaspers shirts and a pare of my leggings for tomorrow and we can go shopping.,"

"thank you, Alice.," she walked out closing the door behind her. I went and sat on the bed, it was quite comfy. I started to do my homework when there was a nock on the door. "come in.,"

jasper walked in with a bag and shirt in hand "here's some food hope you like burgers, and a shirt with leggings.,"

I smiled at him "thank you, jasper.," he nodded his head and left. I opened the food bag and unwrapped my burger I was indeed hungry having not eaten in a while. 

after eating I looked at the clock and saw that it was late late. so I decided to hit the hay, today was the day of a new beginning.


I pried my eyes open. today was the day I went shopping with Alice. I was exited to get to know the pixie haired girl.

I picked up the clothes and headed into the bathroom attached to my room. the bathroom was a decent size with white tile and walls, it was very cleanly. I turned the water too a Luke warm and undressed. I hopped into the shower and cleaned my self.

I turned the shower of and dried my body before getting dressed and brushing my hair. the yoga pants were a simple black, they were a little snug, the shirt was a blue Butten up that fit loosely. I exited my room and headed downstairs to the Livingroom. Edward, belle, and jasper were sitting on the couch watching tv. 

"do you guys know were Alice is?," they all looked over and then went back to watching the tv, except for jasper his eyes stayed on me.

Edward spoke "she went hunting Shel be back in a sec.,"

"ok, thank you.," I went and sat next to jasper "so what are we watching.,"

jasper looked at me "some sort of soap opera.,"

"i used to watch these with my grandma, before she died.," alice walked in thru the hallway door. "oh good your ready, we can leave now if you want.,"

i sat up and smiled "nows good i dont have anything else to do.,"

"great.," she lead me to her car and we were off into town. the ride was kinda awkward. "thanks for all of this alice, you barily know me and yet your so kind.,"

"its just who i am. anyways tommarow its supost to storm, so do you want to play baseball with us?,"

i smiled "id love to, baseballs my favorite sport.," 



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