sexy as hell

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Alice pulled into a parking spot and we stepped out of the car. "were do you want to go first, Y/N?," i didint really care as long as they were clothes "i dont care, any ware works for me.,"

she smiled and clapped her hand "great.,"

(time skip)

we had finally got back to the car. "wow, im exausted.," alice giggled at my statment before puting the bags in the back seat, and we both sat in the car. alice started the car and we headed home. "thanks for all of this, alice.,"

"it was no problom i love to shop.," i giigled "not just for this but for everything.,"

she turned to me "thats what friends are fore.," the rest of the ride was quiet, till we got home "ill get the bags fore you and take them to your room.,"

"its ok ,Alice , I can do it.," 

"no i insist, now go inside.," 

i gigled at her mother birding me "ok.," i walked into the house to be talked in a hug "thank god your back.,"

"i missed you to jasper.," i giggled a little "or you ok i was only gone for 4 hours.,"

he let go of me and lucked down "oh... sorry.,"

"its ok jasper.," alice walked in with my bags.

"thank you, alice.,"

"really its no problom.," she caried on up the staires.

"ima go up to my room and do some homework then hit the hay.,"

"o..ok, see you later Y/n"

"see you later to, jasper.," with that i walked upstairs and did exactily that after hanging all my clothes of course. i could get yoused to this new life.

(jaspers pov)

"see you later, jasper.," i loved the way she said my name it was like the calling of an angel. i was confused by her story she was here and shes a hunter could she have posiblie been hear for victoria not nowing shes dead? i wondered this often, id have to ask her sometime.

id been reading for a while and decided to go check on y/n. i was infront of her door and gently nocked, she didint answer. i slowly walked in to see her sleeping. it was enchanting the way her chest rose and fell, her hair scattered on the pillow, she was the most beutiful thing ive ever seen.

i walked closer to her and gently put a strand of hair behind her ear and crested her cheek "night, princess.," i removed my hand and placed a gentel kiss to her forehead before walking out.

i decided to hunt and clear my head. i steped out and let the wind hit my face. how could i love someone i just meet was she my mate.... i thought alice was though.

i ran deep into the forest before i picked up rumbling. i looked and saw a big buck, that be a good meal. i ran and pranced on the pray before devouring its blood.

(y/n pov)(time skip)

i woke up, it was around 8 in the morning. time to get ready, i quicly showered and brushed my hair and teeth. then i walked over my dresser and decided on a black button up and dark blue jeans.

i walked down stair kinda exited for today scence we were playing baseball.

"hey, Y/N, you exited for today?," emmet questioned me.

I smiled a little "indead, i havent played in years.," emmet, alice, edward, bella, esme, and jasper were sitting on the couch.

bella turned to me as i went to sit in a chair cattycornered of the couch. "why?"

"father said it was a waste of time so instead i trained.," she just looked down and we stayed in aqward silence till rosalie and carslile "whos ready to play some ball?,"

we drove to the field and got ready to play. team one was me, alice, carslile, emmet,edward. team two was jasper, esme, rosalie, and bella. they batted first, jasper did a bat twirl trick it made him look sexy as hell. but the whole thing was fun and i truly enjoyed my self.


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