Chapter 13: The Implacable Enemy

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Image by D. Denise Dianaty

Khediva, at Tirqwin's direction, spent the next several months cruising the Outer Rim, a vast, mostly empty region at the edge of the galaxy. Stars were few and far between, and habitable planets even more scarce, but most of the ones they did find lacked civilizations, and Tirqwin allowed occasional picnics. Meanwhile, Maratobia and the Devons studied hard under Tirqwin's tuition; Sabrina and Haaron grew closer, developing a comfortable, affectionate relationship; Maratobia began to lose some of her childishness; and Scotty slowly recovered from his brush with death on Mundisar.

Sabrina was growing heartily sick of their isolation and was craving civilization by the time they landed on a small moon at the very tip of the spiral arm that marked one edge of the Outer Rim. The atmosphere and foliage were pleasant enough, but Sabrina and Scotty soon tired of nature walks and picnics and went back to Khediva, where they coaxed the Wayship into letting them play computer games on her main console. Haaron went with them rather unwillingly, after Tirqwin said his presence was only distracting the Guardian from her studies. Since Maratobia's studies at this time included lifting large objects in the air and putting them through complicated series of acrobatics—to refine her control of her power, Tirqwin said—Haaron could see his point, but it went against his training to leave the Guardian entirely unchaperoned.

When he spoke to Sabrina about it, she laughed. "Tirqwin does perfectly well as a chaperon—at least she'll do what he says! And surely you don't think he sees her as anything but his student?"

Haaron frowned. "No, not really. Though sometimes the way he looks at her strikes me as...perhaps not entirely objective."

Scotty hooted with laughter. "Oh, come on! You should hear the way he rides her on our oral exams!"

But Sabrina was frowning thoughtfully, considering Haaron's comment and thinking back over the past several months. "Haaron, I know Tirqwin's been more relaxed lately, and he's unbent around Mara—but he's unbent around all of us! The other night when I made that move that won us the game, he actually put his arm around me—almost a hug, in a friendly way, you know." She faltered a little under Haaron's interested gaze. "What I'm saying is, he's just mellowing. It doesn't mean he's...he's feeling anything special for Mara."

"And yet," Haaron said quietly, "if you think about it, there is a definite difference in his treatment of you and his treatment of her."

Sabrina opened her mouth to protest, then remembered a recent occasion where the same thought had crossed her mind. "I'm not his student. I'm more like his helper. And—oh, Haaron, this is nonsense! He treats her like a child."

"He doesn't look at her like she's a child," Scotty put in.

"You're not helping!" Sabrina told him. "Tirqwin'd kill you if he could hear you, and if you go putting this stupid idea in Mara's head I'll kill you!"

Scotty shrugged. "None of my business what Tirq's up to."

"It is your business! It is the business of every one of us to protect the Guardian!" Haaron retorted.

"Okay, fine. I think this is the stupidest thing ever, but if it will make you happy I'll go down there and be the damn chaperon!" Sabrina said, getting up and stalking across the control deck. "Khediva?"

"Wait a minute," Scotty said. "I'll go too."

"We may as well all go," Haaron said.

"No, you stay here," Sabrina said, her eyes flashing. "If I have to be bored out of my mind, you can stay here by yourself and be bored out of yours, too!"

Haaron spread his hands. "Sabrina, do not be angry at me for doing my duty."

"I don't mind when you do yours. I mind when you do mine!" Sabrina retorted. "Come on if you're coming, Scotty."

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