Chapter 12.1

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"There's somebody nearby," Malvarak said quietly to Tirqwin. "Behind that ridge. They've popped out to look at us twice now."

"Not overly friendly behavior," Tirqwin replied. "But these tracks do not lead that way, and I am not interested in any of the natives except those who have Sabrina and Haaron."

"An uncurious Tirqwin," Malvarak chuckled.

"Not uncurious, merely conscious of my priorities," Tirqwin said.

Behind them, Maratobia gasped and doubled over, as if in pain. Scotty, who had been walking beside her, reached out to support her as Tirqwin and Malvarak turned back in concern.

"What is it? Princess?" Malvarak said.

Tirqwin's lips thinned in his suddenly pale face. "Mara...where is this coming from?"

"I don't know," she gasped out. "But...but I think...Haaron is there. And...and something is...between me and the Crystal!"

Scotty began looking wildly around as Maratobia wilted against him. Tirqwin stepped forward and took her in his arms, cradling her gently as she began to sob in pain and bewilderment.

"Elusha, what is it?" Malvarak asked.

"Something is interfering with the Guardian's link to the Crystal, just as it has interfered in our links with our Ships. But this is worse. It is not just interfering, it is somehow clashing with it. Lhushan, we must get her out of here."

"I agree, but how?" Malvarak said, glancing around them. "I am still cut off from Sribarak, and you are still cut off from Khediva."

Tirqwin did not reply, closing his eyes suddenly as he winced. Then he and Maratobia let out identical cries of pain. "Mara, stop fighting it!" Tirqwin ground out. "Reach for the Crystal instead!"

"It's not there!" she wailed.

"It is there. You just have to want it badly enough!"

Maratobia doubled over, clenched her fists, and tensed in concentration. She and Tirqwin huddled together, slowly sinking to the ground, lost to their surroundings as they fought their silent, unseen battle. Malvarak and Scotty regarded them worriedly, keeping a watch on the rocky mountainside.

It seemed to go on for a long time. Scotty, his anxiety fading into impatience, kicked at a nearby rock, sending it scudding down the mountainside with several satisfying thunks.

"Look!" Malvarak hissed, his attention focused on a rocky outcropping several meters away.

Scotty turned just in time to see a dark head vanish behind the rock.

"Maybe we oughta go see what they want," Scotty said, moving a hand to where his blaster lay in his jacket pocket.

"Not while Elusha and the Guardian are in this state," Malvarak replied. "I suspect our watcher is but one of a group, possibly a large group."

"If they've got us outnumbered, why hide?" Scotty argued. "I bet it's just some curious villager with nothin' better to do. Let me go scare 'em off."

"No," Malvarak said. "You are supposed to be protecting the Guardian."

"Then you go see who it is. It's givin' me the creeps."

"They will doubtless see me approaching and move their hiding place. It is better for us to know where they are and appear to be oblivious."

"If you say so," Scotty grunted, surveying the daunting path up the mountain. "I wish Mara could just blip us up there."

Malvarak smiled ruefully. "We all wish that. Or better yet, that Sribarak could retrieve us."

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