Chapter 2.1

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It took a long time to bring some of Shariara's clothes over; they were careful not to let the closet seem empty enough to disturb Baldaran if he happened to come into it. Then they packed up the too-small clothes in Maratobia's closet, except for a few outfits Selémahs identified as having special meaning.

"What's that one?" Sabrina asked as Selémahs ran a hand thoughtfully over an elaborate dress with puffy sleeves.

"Her investiture as Inheritor took place when she was twelve. She wore this. I do not think she would want to part with it."

"Of course not. Are there any clothes left from her sisters?"

"No. They have long since been re-purposed, I'm afraid. I thought of that first rather than disturb Shariara's things, but I was not able to find anything."

Sabrina looked into the bedroom. "Do you think we should pick up the other things?" They had cleared a path, but the floor was still cluttered.

"I suppose...I am not sure what she will want to keep, so we should not pack them up." Selémahs sighed a little. "I'm afraid she may need some comfort and encouragement today. The training is rigorous, and everyone is conscious of the urgent need. It is not easy for her."

"We know what it's like," Scotty said. "Our parents died in an accident, and we had to decide a lot of things right away. It sucked."

"We have all gotten so used to grief," Selémahs said after a moment. "Many of us have been through what she is feeling. She has a planet full of those who sympathize with her. I hoped...I hope the two of you can show her what life is like when grief is no longer the focal point. Our losses have been so continuous that I do not think any of us, or at least not many, have moved beyond our grief. We need your example."

That felt like a weighty responsibility, Sabrina thought. But before she could say anything, they heard the door open, and Maratobia came in. She looked miserable.

Selémahs gave her a gentle smile and said, "It will get better, your highness."

"I hope so," Maratobia said, but her tone was anything but hopeful.

Selémahs gave Sabrina a nod as she went into the next room, which surprised her. But in the next moment, when Maratobia's ramrod posture melted into a slump, she understood why. The Guardian could not show weakness to those she was responsible for, but she and Scotty weren't in that category, really. They could be her friends.

"Have a seat. Are you hungry?" Sabrina asked.

Maratobia shook her head, but she sat down on the bench beside Sabrina. After a moment, Sabrina put her arm around her shoulders, and she hid her face against Sabrina's shoulder. "I can't do it," she whispered.

"Of course you can," Sabrina whispered back. "It won't be easy, but your mother knew you could. And she would know, wouldn't she?"

"She was supposed to be here to help me." Maratobia's voice was choked with tears.

"I know," Sabrina said, swallowing hard. "And I wish she were. But we're here, and we'll help you all we can. I know it's not the same. But it's something."

"I know," Maratobia whispered. "And I'm glad you're here. You'll stay, won't you?"

Sabrina hesitated, glancing at Scotty. "As long as we can."

Scotty grinned. "Yeah. We don't exactly have a ride home, do we? Anyway, I signed up today."

Maratobia frowned, then blinked as she looked at him. "You've taken the oath of commission?"

"Yeah. I start training tomorrow. And no favors just because I'm your favorite Earthling." He winked at her.

Maratobia straightened up, smiling a little. "And who says you are my favorite? Your sister is much nicer, you know."

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