Ch 7

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Halfway through the train ride, the door to their compartment was once again opened. This time by a bushy haired brunette. A shifting nervous boy right behind her, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but there.

"Can I help you?" Astrid asked, looking at the girls brown hair questioningly.

"Yes, have you perhaps seen a toad? Neville lost his" she gestured to the blonde boy who blushed under all the attention.

"We have not seen this toad you speak of lady..." Thor trailed off.

"H-hermione. Hermione Granger" she stuttered, blushing red as a tomato at being called lady.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Hermione and Neville-" Astrid nodded to the both of them "and if you want, Loki will help you" she gestured to her raven haired mate.

"He will?!" Neville spoke for the first time, hope shining brilliantly in his eyes.

At the same time Loki had said "I will?"

Astrid gave him a look that said 'do as I say or else...' making Loki gulp slightly before turning to the pair still at the door.

"Of course I will. Now, may I ask what is the name of your toad?" He stood up and took out his wand; 13 inches elm with a core of thestral hair, willingly given. Of course, he was perfectly capable of performing magic without the aid of the wand, but they don't know that.

"T-trevor..." He stuttered and trailed off nervously having lost the courage he had seemingly gain earlier at the prospect of finding his beloved pet.

Astrid frowned. Why is this young boy so scared? What could have possibly happened that he had become so shy and closed off? There is courage inside him, she could feel and see it in his eyes. Yet it was overshadowed by... was that shame?!

She was broken out of her thoughts when Loki uttered the summoning charm, even though he doesn't really need to speak to perform the spell, without telling Neville what to do. The poor boy looked completely confused. She sighed.

"Hold out your hands little one" Astrid offered him a smile when he looked at her. Doing as was told, he gave a surprised squeek when Trevor suddenly flew right into his held out hands.

"Thank you!" He beamed at them. Meanwhile, Hermione looked excited. A gleam in her eyes similar to that of a child in a candy store and having just found his/her favorite sweet.

"That was amazing! How did you know of it? I've read the entire first years books and haven't found a spell that has the same effect as the one you have used"

This brought a smile to Astrid's face. The girl reminded her of Loki when he finds something new and interesting. Their curiosity are almost the same.

"Why don't the two of you sit down first? Surely you are tired from standing there that long" she offered. The two gladly took it and the compartment went undisturbed thereafter.


Astrid, her two mates and their new friends found themselves looking at a Stern looking woman who had introduced herself as Professor McGonagall. Said person was currently explaining the different houses and rules as the students listened.

When she left to take care of something first, a voice spoke up.

"It's true then! Astrid Potter has come to Hogwarts" a white blonde haired boy strutted over to the group with two chubby looking boys following close behind him.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle" he turned respectively to the two boys behind him before offering his hand. "And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy"

Ron snorted.

'Draco' turned to the him and sneered. "You think my name's funny go you? Don't need to ask yours! Red hair and a hand-me-down robe, you must be a Weasley!"

Astrid not wanting a fight to break out quickly stepped in. "My apologies for my friend's rudeness. I'm sure he did not mean it. However, one mustn't respond to violence with more violence for it only breeds more violence. I find friendship much more endearing and beneficial for both parties no?"

She then took his offered hand which has yet to be brought down, waiting for her response as is the proper pureblood decorum. "Astrid Potter. You may call me Astrid. A pleasure to meet you heir Malfoy"

Draco looked shocked at first before breaking out of it and nodding. "You may call me Draco Astrid"

She smiled, opening her mouth to speak back once more but was interrupted by the professor returning and telling them it was time.

The moment she walked in into the Great Hall, she smiled. How long has it been?

The sorting began moments after the students were led to the front. Name after name were called after it was finally her turn.

Whispers broke out as everyone tried to see for themselves the famed Girl-Who-Lived. She played them no mind as she took a seat on the stool.

"Ahh, Lady Astrid long time to see. It is a pleasant surprise to see you after so many years" the hat said inside her mind.

A ghost of a smile passed her lips before she replied to it. "Likewise Alistair. But if you don't mind, I would like to be sorted. It won't do to linger much further here and gain more attention than what I already have"

"Indeed, though I think it will only grow after I sort you"

Astrid frowned and was about to ask before being interrupted by the hat.

"Loyalty, Courage, Wit, and Cunning you have in spades. So it is fitting to know you could be in all four houses. However, as you and yours have something that the rest doesn't and also because this house purely belongs to you, there can only be one choice..."


The hall became deadly silent as everyone was confused and shocked. Suddenly, a higher step materialized out of thin air slightly above the step where the head table was placed.

Three chairs and a rectangular table made out of dark wood sat at the new step as another banner of a school house appeared and hung in the middle of the Great Hall.

Three chairs and a rectangular table made out of dark wood sat at the new step as another banner of a school house appeared and hung in the middle of the Great Hall

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Among the shocked and surprise faces of everyone, one person smirked.

A scream was then heard, breaking the silence that the had befallen.


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