Ch 2

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After righting herself from the slight stumble caused by the long distanced teleportation, she took purposeful steps into the tower.

The building is still in wrecked from the battlefield that happened just days prior but it's obvious to anyone that the tower is quickly being restored.

She followed the sound of voices and came to a stop in front a door. Trying and failing to suppress her anger, she practically three the door open, almost ripping it off it's hinges.

The sound however caught the attention of everyone in the room causing them to tense up and ready in case of an attack.

Ignoring the looks sent her way once she stepped in their line of sight, she made her way to one of her very surprised mate.


She however didn't acknowledge him as she reached out, taking his ear in her hand and pinching it...hard.


"Silence!" Seeing the look on her face, he wisely did just that. She promptly ignored the incredulous stares given her way and made Thor kneel on the ground in one of the clearing in the room.

Then without further ado, she reached out her magic and allowed it to sorround the tower looking for a particular someone, before she snapped her fingers.

A very disgruntled and very battered looking Loki appeared before her and beside his brother, also kneeling. He was about to open his mouth to complain and demand what in the realms is happening, if the annoyed look on his face is any indication, when her voice rang out loud and clear.

"What in Odin's name were you two thinking?!"

The surprise from Loki and the wince from Thor were almost comical and would have made her laugh, if it weren't for the fact that she's extremely angry. "Astrid?" The way Loki's voice cracked made her heart ache and almost broke her resolve. Almost.

"Don't your Astrid me Loki! Why in the nine realms did you attack this planet?! And you-" she she turned to her other mate who visibly shrunk in her glare, "Why pray tell did you fight your own brother instead of speaking to him civically like the royalty you two are?! Do you have any idea how surprised I was seeing and hearing about you two in the news? There I was worrying about what I'll do to call you guys. Should I wait for you to find me? Or should I scream myself raw hoping that Heimdall would see? And if you did come, what should I do next? It's not like I could leave this world immediately because for some reason there are some people who had put their faith in me to save their arses from a psychotic bastard, and I can't even abandon them because of my stupid conscience! So why-"

That's when she saw it. The wounds and bruises on her black haired mate and the muzzle placed over his mouth like he's some rabid animal! Suddenly, all anger drained from her getting replaced by concern and worry.

Without even thinking, she crouched down in front of the kneeling trickster. Focusing her magic on her hands, she touched the blasted muzzle and effectively taking it off together with the shackles on his hands it was connected with.

Tears formed in her eyes as she saw the cut lips and more bruises as well as some dried up blood on his handsome face. Reaching up, she cupped his face, with Loki leaning in to her touch, and connected their foreheads whispering a healing and cleaning spell.

After making sure that he's all healed up, she stood up. Suddenly, all anger from earlier returned with a vengeance. Only this time, it was not directed to her two mates but to the bastard that saw it fit to put a goddamned muzzle at one of the person she loves the most.

"Who was it?" Her voice was cold and cruel with a tone that promised pain to the person who has angered her. The temperature in the room dropped drastically and the Avengers, bar Thor, all flinched when she turned around to look at them. "Who was the person who saw it fit to place a muzzle at my mate?" It was nothing but a whisper, but the other occupants of the room found it more scary than when she's shouting.

"It was Fury" Natasha who knows danger when she saw one answered immediately. She may be a skilled assassin, but seeing the look Astrid has right now, her self preservation is much more higher and important at the moment. She loves living thank you very much!

It was at that moment that the elevator dinged and in walked said man. The Avengers grimaced in pity at his luck while Thor and Loki are still too shock at seeing their long lost mate to react other than look at the man's direction.

"Loki has escaped! How the hell he did that I have no idea. I told you we should have just killed the monster."

Wrong move. Director Fury had only just stepped out from the elevator when he was thrown violently to the wall.

Before he could even get his bearings back, his throat was gripped by Astrid's string hands, restricting his airways as he struggled to breath. Green eyes glared hatefully at the black man as his gaze became hazy.

"Don't you dare talk to my mate like that you ugly piece of shit!" Astrid snarled. "You muzzled him?! How dare you! To a God! You worthless mortal who doesn't even know his true place!" .She was about to blast him to smithereens when she felt lightheaded. 'Damnit! Loki's injury was far more severe than I thought if it almost drained my magic to heal him completely'

And then everything went dark.


Loki was in shock. Astrid, their mate, the one they had spent decades of searching has finally returned.

Not only that, the first thing she does after reuniting is scold them. He didn't know wether to cry because of relief and happiness because finally, finally they had found her, or laugh at the humor of it all. Maybe both.

Thor on the other hand wasn't faring much better. His thoughts are mostly the same as his brother. The only difference is that his ears still hurt from earlier.

Both brothers were snapped out of their thoughts when they heard a crash and they looked over to see Fury thrown into a wall with Astrid shouting at the man. Her right hands were wrapped around his throat, strangling the man.

Astrid was about to raise her other hand, probably to maim, or kill the man. However, before she could do said action, they saw her sway and time seemed to slow for the both of them.

They were at her side before her body could touch the ground.


The other occupants in the room just stared on in shock, mouth gaping as they watched the two Gods fussing over a girl. The same girl who had just scolded and scared the shit out of them earlier.

All of them just had the same thought in mind though. "I'm too tired for this shit!"

After the chaotic events that had just recently ended, and the invasion, it wasn't really a surprise why they had such a thought.

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