Ch 6

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September came and the trio found themselves facing the red steaming train of the Hogwarts Express.

Students are bustling about, excited to finally return or step foot for the first time in the famous magic school.

Thor's face show, much like the others, absolute excitement. Occasionally pointing at various magic devices and spells being cast here and there. Loki had his mask full on but the look on his eyes betrays his boredom as he looks around him. Astrid just looks amused and exasperated at her mates reactions-or lack thereof in Loki's case.

Shaking her head, she took both their hands and guided them into the train. A short moment later, the three of them have safely found an empty compartment, and are currently lounging comfortably.

A jerk was felt before the train began to move. Loki took out a book and began reading, his legs crossed over and his posture relax. A perfect picture of regality.

Thor on the other hand had his face in the window, eyes taking everything that they pass by. Astrid lay between them, with her head on her ravenette mate's lap and her feet at the blonde's. Her wand in her right hand shooting some occasional sparks of light.

She's basically playing with it while at the same time enjoying the hand gently carding through her raven locks.

A minute passed when a knock was heard from their compartment's door.

The three of them looked up and saw a boy with flaming red hair. A nervous look on his face as he shifted uncomfortably from the looks he's getting.

"Yes?" Astrid asked when she saw neither of her mates plan on speaking. Thor too busy eyeing the boy up like he's the most fascinating thing in the world, and Loki from scrutinizing the red head.

"Do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full..."

"Ye-" Loki started but was cut off by Astrid when she realized what he was about to say. "No, not at all. Please" gesturing to the seat opposite from theirs.

The red head visibly relaxed as Astrid sat up, seeing as they have company. It would be rude of her to continue on her position before the boy came, much to Loki's chagrin.

"Thanks! I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley" he said offering his hand.

"I'm Astrid Potter. To my left if Loki and right is Thor. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance" she gestured shaking his hand. Loki nodded slightly  and Thor grinned.

"Woah! Your the Astrid Potter?! And wait, Loki and Thor? Like the Norse Gods?" Ron looked at the two boys on each of her side curiously.

"Our parents are strong believers of the Norse Mythology. We were named after two of the Gods. Personally, I think the Norse God of Mischief is the best" Loki said, looking way to smug.

"What?! Nonsense, 'Thor' was definitely the cool one." The blonde protested indignantly.

Astrid rolled her eyes as she heard Ron continue to speak. "Don't let Fred and George hear you say that. They are huge fanatics of the god themselves. Merlin knows Percy told them that Loki waz evil once only to get pranked for a whole month. And trust me, it wasn't pretty"

Loki's eyes gleamed. "Do tell"

And so he did. The compartment was filled with Ron's voice telling them of all the pranks his twin brothers had performed, with Thor laughing for most of them.

Loki remained quiet, but from the looks on his eyes, it was clear he was enjoying this. He had that look on his eyes that Astrid was pretty sure the pranks these twins the red head was telling them about, will about to reach a whole new level once Loki got in touch with them.

Only time will tell...

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