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A week has passed since the three soulmates have been reunited and Astrid is now currently reading a book on one of the sofa in the living room.

Her attention was piqued however, when Natasha came into the room looking confused.

"Hey Astrid, an owl just perched on one of the windows and dropped off three identical letters. It has your name on one of it"

That's right. After everyone had calmed down from the event that just transpired that day, Loki wasted no time in asking where she was currently living.

She told him about her relatives and how they treated her until she regained her memories. Loki practically demanded her to stay in the tower yo which Stark complained about him inviting strangers to his place. He was silenced however by Loki's glare and a glowing green fireball.

Oh! And Loki almost went on a killing rampage, again. Only this time, all his killing intent was directed into one family and Thor didn't help either, with him literally readying his hammer to fly to pivet drive.

Because of that, Astrid had to move to the tower. The Dursleys memories were also erased, courtesy of Loki who almost killed them upon first meeting.

Anyway, back to the present...

"That must be my Hogwarts Letter. But three? What do you mean three?"

"Well, the other two had both Thor and Loki's name on it" Nat, as Astrid likes to call her answered showing her the letter.

And as if by fate, that was when the other members of the team showed up, including Loki.

"Loki what is the meaning of this?" Astrid asked turning to look at the one she just knows is the master mind of it all.

"Hey little fire, what's got you all so worked up?" Tony said looking at the scene confused.

"Loki somehow got himself accepted at Hogwarts and Thor's in on it too!"

"Woah, hold it right there! Reindeer games actually let Thor in on the plan?!" He asked baffled.

"I didn't." Loki answered, irritation quite clear in his voice. "I was caught and this oaf literally tackled me until I gave in!"

The whole room snorted and Thor just gave a sheepish look. "But brother, if I hadn't done it you would have gone without me. If that happens you would have Astrid all to yourself most of the year. You would be basically hogging her!"

"That's the point you idiot!"

"Ok, calm down you two. And Loki, how'd you even did it? Plus, why?"
Astrid looked downright confused and it only intensified when her two mates looked at her like she was crazy for even asking that.

"I have my way and furthermore, do you really believe we would allow you to go alone in a place where you could be in danger?"

"We already lost you once, we aren't losing you again. We won't be able to take it" Thor finished for her brother.

"Well, that's sweet and all, but aren't the school meant for children? I mean, no offense, but you two are way to old to be classified as children" Clint said earning an eye roll from the god of mischief.

"Magic, bird brain"

"What Loki means is that, using a spell  we could transform to our child form for a set period of time based on the amount of the casters magic." Thor explained

"And since Loki will most likely be the caster, it will no doubt be for a long time. It's just like how I transformed into my old self, but because I used too much magic on healing my mate, I lost control of the transformation causing me to revert back to normal" Astrid finished looking proud of her mate.

And of course, Loki being Loki smirked in satisfaction.

"Right, now enough talking, we still need to buy our school supplies. Come my love, we shall have the whole day for ourselves." Loki said extending his hand before shifting into his eleven year old form.

Thor seeing this stood up also and followed his brother and mate. "Ah, Loki, you are forgetting one more thing" he gestured to his still grown up body.

Said person just sighed in resignation before snapping his fingers deciding to just be done with it.

Astrid on the other hand was having the time of her life seeing the two bicker. It's just like the old times, and that thought put a gentle smile on her face. One that didn't go unnoticed by the brothers, who both exchanged a look before staring back at her with eyes full of love, the same gentle smile on their face.

"I missed this" they all thought at once.

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