Ch 9

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After the feast, the headmaster gave his speech and made haste to leave the great hall using the back door only teachers are allowed to use.

Albus gestured for the three new students to quickly follow him as to avoid unwanted questionings from almost everyone pertaining the existence of the mysterious new house.

Astrid was the first to rise from her seat closely followed by her two mates as they trudged after the headmaster.

The walk was silent but not awkward as the individuals are lost in their own little world. With practiced ease stemmed from the long years of walking the castle's halls, Albus guided the trio to the entrance of his office where the gargoyle willingly moved aside without needing to say the password.

Once inside th office, the old headmaster turned to the still silent trio and raised his eyebrows expectantly.

"Now, I believe this is where the entrance to your common room is?"

To be honest, he was really eager and excited as to find it if the legend about the hidden common room was true. He had tried everything that comes to mind to find the secret entrance once he had learned of it's existence but to no avail.

Astrid sighed and looked back to her soulmates and asked. "Well?"

Thor just shrugged, not knowing where the entrance is also, and turned questioning eyes to his brother.

Loki smirked once he noticed all of their attention focused solely on him.
Clearing his throat, he spoke clearly and confidently, the smirk that is beginning to annoy Astrid still in his face.

"αθάνατη αγάπη"

Magic pulsed in the air as a hidden door made of gold appeared in one of the walls behind a tapestry. The door has Asgardian marking engraved into it.

Dumbledore watched it all happen in awe, amazed by the intensity and strength of the magic he felt. No wonder no one had found in until now, the magic he felt has an unknown feel to it, that if he had to guess he would bet all his lemon drops that it was one of the forgotten arts.

"Extraordinary" he breathed out as he approached the golden door, admiring its beauty.

"I believe-" he broke himself out of his amazed state as he took in the tired face of the only girl in the group and gestured to the door with his hands. "-it would be best for you to rest for the night. I can see you're exhausted"
He smiled kindly to the group.

Astrid snapped out of her tired dazed state to look gratefully at the wizened wizards. "Thank you... headmaster"

Albus noticed the slight pause on the sentence but didn't comment on it and instead only nodded at the girl with a gentle smile on his face.

Sighing for what seemed like the hundredth time this night, Astrid marched towards the door and pushed it open with her hands. Not bothering to see wether her two mates followed her or not.

(By the way, their room's appearance could be seen at the top^)

Once the three entered their common room, Albus, who was left standing alone in his office, took off his spectacles and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"It seems that I myself need some rest"

And with that statement, the old wizard took off to his own room. Mind filled with what happened earlier.

Meanwhile to the three Asgardians, Astrid was blissfully sleeping on the huge bed while Loki slept on the...ground.

Thor who was fortunate enough to not have angered his mate as much as Loki got to sleep on the couch.

All in all, it was a tiring day for the famed Girl-Who-Lived.


αθάνατη αγάπη - immortal love

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