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There are things called soulmate marks. As the name suggests, it shows wether a person has a soulmate or not. However, not everyone can have one and those that do consider it a blessing. After all, who wouldn't want someone who would love and accept you unconditionally?

Astrid, the only daughter of the king's ambassador was born with such marks. However not only has she had one but two soulmate marks.

She first met them on her coming-of-age birthday. Being the only child she was greatly treasured and so on her coming-of-age, her father being the doting man he is organized the most grandest birthday party Asgard has ever seen.

It was during this celebration where she met them. She was just leaning into one of the tables situated on the side of the massive ballroom where the refreshments are placed, watching the guest talk to each other and completely bored out of her mind, when this happened.

So imagine her surprise when out of nowhere, the two princes of Asgard approached her, having been planning to give their greetings to the young lady, when their eyes met and the world stood still.

Then all of a sudden, the two marks hidden on both her shoulders began to warm up and the whole room was engulfed in a brilliant golden light coming from the three individuals, successfully catching all the others guests attention.

Ever since then, Thor and Loki followed her around like two lost puppies. Of course them being them, a fight almost constantly breaks out, especially when it comes to sharing her. Thankfully she was always there to diffuse it and prevent anything big to happen.

She solved their problems however, when she showed the equal love and attention. She was their light. She was the only one, apart from their mother, who showed them unconditional love and acceptance. She was their world, their everything.

But then she was taken away. They were at war with the dark elves. It was a day when both Loki and Thor were sent to the front lines of the battlefield while Astrid was left alone inside their room in the castle.

An assassin sneaked in. Astrid tried to fight using her magic, but before she could even cast a single spell it was too late, a dagger had already imbedded itself in her heart. In a bout of desperation, she used her last remaining strength and drew a magic circle with the ink being her own blood and performed a long forgotten spell to make sure she is reborn once more.

The spell ensures that she will regain all her memories, power, and immortality once she reaches the age of seven. And with her last remaining magic, she reached out to their bond and whispered one last time in this life 'I love you'

They were in the middle of the battle when they heard it. 'I love you'

And then without any sympathy, the bond snapped. It was the most excruciating pain they had ever felt, causing them to fall to their knees while clutching their chest in agony, and they knew just what it entailed. Astrid, their soulmate, is dead.

A heartbreaking loud scream was ripped out from both their throats as they rose from their previously kneeling position and faced the battlefield once more, their eyes full of pain and unadulterated anger. It was a massacre. The two Gods lost all sense of reason and killed anyone and anything that got in their way with zero ounce of guilt and no remorse whatsoever. It was only when they have returned after an overwhelming victory did they hear the full story of how their beloved died.

An assassin had sneaked in and killed her. The assassin was caught and after questioned killed. But by the time the guards had reached their Lady's room, it was already too late. She was gone.

They ran to her room hoping and wishing with all their might that it was all a dream, or better yet a nightmare, and that they'd wake up beside her and see her sleeping figure beside them alive. But it was for naught. All they found in the end was a wrecked room and a magic circle drawn using blood. Loki took one glance at the bloody drawing and recognized it immediately. Hope blossomed inside him seeing it.

Years passed and that shred of hope dimmed. They had searched all nine realms and hadn't found even one single sign of her nor her whereabouts. A possibility of the spell failing to work was presented to the brothers by those close to them but was vehemently denied. They know that she will come back. She has to... The only problem in when?

So they waited.

And they were right. It did not fail. However due to the spell being cast on the spot with no prior planning to make sure there are no problems and with the limited power Astrid had left on the verge of death, the Goddess wasn't able to make sure she was reborn immediately.

Her death caused a ridge to form between the brothers and without their mate there to fix and placate them, it only grew worse over the years.

Meanwhile, somewhere in one of the realms, a certain green-eyed, raven-haired baby is born. As the newly birthed baby took her first breath and cried her first cry, a woman's soft and loving voice spoke,

"Her name shall be Astrid Lily Potter"

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