Ch 10

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The next morning found a rejuvenated Astrid, a cramped-feeling Thor, and a back-pained Loki. The three of them went out of their room and into the headmaster's office where they were met with the said wizard who looked just as refreshed as the reincarnated goddess.

"Good morning! I trust you slept well?"

The comment only served to irritate the already annoyed God of Mischief earning an answer of  'tsk.' from him.

While Thor, being who he is, only beamed at the wizened wizard.

"Why yes! Although my body's slightly sore from sleeping on the couch, I am as good as new!" He exclaimed being far too energetic for Loki's liking.

Astrid simply smiled at him, causing him to raise a curious eyebrow at the somehow familiar gesture, nodding a polite 'yes' and the group went out of the office and into the great hall for breakfast.

When they arrived, a hush of silence descended upon the usually lively and chatter-filled hall.

A moment later and hushed whispers broke out, as the student body's eyes remain glued to the three odd first years, as they walked down the tables and into the raised dias where their table is. Dumbledore trailed behind them and watched on with twinkling eyes.

Meanwhile, the three immortal beings paid no heed to the curious crowd and merely sat down into their respective chairs and ate their breakfast.

The three of them ate their dinner, their table arranged in such a way that they faced the entire great hall while eating. And the onlooking crowd took this to their advantage and stared at the trio like they were some of the most interesting specimen in the entire world.

They took note of how they sat, ate, and conversed with each other in such a way that was both graceful and regal. Even the Slytherins who had been raised as noble heirs do not have as much dignity while eating. They also noticed that the dark haired boy, who sat at the right side of the Girl-Who-Lived, drank something that suspiciously looked like wine(?). The beverage was of a crimson color, obvious for all the hall to see through it's crystal clear glass.

Astrid who noticed Loki had transfigured his pumpkin juice into wine rolled her eyes at her mate's antics. Thor who also saw what his brother had done also tried to do it only for his drink to turn into...mud.

Loki snorted. Thor glared at his brother. Astrid sighs, exasperated.

The ruined drink was promptly vanished by Astrid and was immediately replaced by a new one thanks to the house elves. Placing her hand above the renewed pumpkin juice, Astrid transfigured Thor's drink for him into Asgardian beer that she knew he loves.

The beaming smile that the God of Thunder sported once he saw the beer made the reincarnated Goddess smile fondly and lovingly at him.

Loki who was watching this pouted sullenly but then smirked as an idea came to him.

Setting his own drink down, the God of Mischief 'accidentally' bumped his shoulder to the wine glass, causing said glass to tip over the edge of the table and fall to the ground, broken.

Putting on an innocent face, Loki turned towards his mate and said, "Oops!"

Shortly after, and just like with Thor, a new drink replaced his spoiled one. Pretending to be struggling with transfiguring it this time around, he looked at Astrid pleadingly.

"Can you?"

Seeing right through his trick, Astrid couldn't help but chuckle. But nonetheless, she gave the God his wish and changed the juice into the exact same wine he had spilled.

And that's how their first breakfast was spent. Astrid could only hope that the rest of the day wasn't as tiring because it was only the beginning of said day and she was already exhausted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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