Chapter 19- Gone

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I'm so so so sos so so so sorry thats its been so long! I was dealing with a prat...

I hope you like it! I liked writing it... Tell me what you think!

Love you all,

Kathryn Rose xx

*****Harry's P.O.V*****

I stared at her in shock. She what? She looked at me with wide eyes. Was she as surprised as I was?  Kathryn stood, and pulled me up with her. "Y- you did?" I stuttered. "But- uh- What?" Since when did I stutter? What she did next surprised me  more; She kissed me. As fast as she placed her lips on mine, she pulled them off. And then, she was gone.

*****Kathryn's P.O.V*****

I said that out loud. I am such an idiot. And I kissed him. This is not me. At all. Whats going on with me? I ran out of the park, needing to clear my thoughts out. I guess the first thing to do is watch the interview again. I walked into a coffee shop, ordered a vanilla bean frappacino, and, then, I started the interview on youtube. I moved it toward the end to see what happened there.

"So, We've heard a  lot about you and a certain new fashion designer," He pulled up two photos. One of us holding hands at the beach, and one of us kissing in the ferris wheel. "Are you together?" He asked, directing the question at Louis.

"Well,-" Masie cut him off.

"We found this picture. Its from today." She showed the picture of us at Subway. When Harry was holding me after I told him about my past.

Louis continued, "As I was saying, I'm not dating that no-good, fun-sucking, selfish, bratty, ugly, slut." He spat his words. "I don't go after girls like her. I do love someone else, however." He laced his fingers with Masie's. The boys looked surprised, but Olivia gagged at the sight. "Masie and I have been together for five months now."

"Then what happened to this?" The man asked pinting to the photos.

"It was a set up. I was only trying to get closer to this lovely girl. I never loved Kathryn." Masie smirled at the camera. Olivia got up and left, asking where she can find a place to throw up. Liam stormed off camera, clearly dying on the inside. Niall followed Olivia, with the same look on his face as his girlfriend- disgust. Zayn, confused as ever, grabbed Masie and Louis. He thanked the man, and apologised for how things turned out. That was the end.

I slammed my phone down on the table. No-good, fun-sucking, selfish, bratty, ugly, slut? Nothing I haven't heard before. I was used to it. I walked out of the shop, coffee in hand. In a second shop, there were writing supplies and such. The were notebooks on sale for $2.00 each. I bought one along with a few pens. If it all went right, the boys would understand. 

When I finished, I taped the note to the swing-set in the park, and sent a text to Harry.

*****Harry's P.O.V***** 

I was sitting in my room when my phone buzzed. Don't get your hopes up... It's not going to be her.

Go to the swing set... Everything will be explained there. Don't tell the others. The second page is only for you. No one other than you. The first one show to everyone. I'm sorry...xx -Kathry

I ran out of the house and sprinted to the park. She might still be there...

She wasn't. I saw the envelope though... I read it over and over again. This can't be happening. This can not be happening.

- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -

"GUYS!" I yelled as soon as I walked in. "You guys better come see this." The boys. Olivia, and Masie came into the living room almost immediately. 

"What happened?" asked Olivia, as soon as she saw me.

"This happened." I handed the note to her.

"No... This, this isn't real... You're kidding right?" She asked.

"I wish..." She handed the note to Zayn.

"Guys, I know we still have a month, but I'm sorry. I can't stay here. I can't take it anymore. Hate? I can do that. I'm extremely used to it. Its the fact that I can't even trust my best friend anymore. I thought I could get over what happened, but I can't. I hope you're all happy with eachother. I give you my best wishes. I'm staying somewhere far away, but I'll be happy there. I love you all more than you would think. Kathryn" Zayn read it aloud.

"LOUIS! You know the picture that Masie showed the guy from the interviewer? You want to know why we looked like that? Its because she told me what really happened all those years ago! Maybe if you had remembered your BEST FRIEND for god's sake, SHE WOULDN'T HAVE LEFT. Yes. Louis. Rosie? From kindergarten? The one that you promised you would call every night? Yeah. That was Kathryn. She hoped you would remember her, but you didn't. I hope you're fucking happy."


I AM SO SO SO SO SO SORRY THAT ITS BEEN SO LONG! The reason is in the top note... :P

Anyway, What did you think? LOUIS KNOWS! Holy cow!





Love you all, 

Kathryn xx

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