Chapter 14- First Show

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Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is the next chapter! I really hope you like it!!! On the right IS a POLYVORE!!!!!! Yay! Also, I have a song on the side that I like very much. Um… I guess that’s it!

Also, I"M SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY. I kept getting grounded over and over again... And I actually got grounded three hours ago for talking back when my mom said I couldn't illegally download Rock Me and such... I'm being a stealthy penguin...

Love you all,

Kathryn Rose xx


*****Kathryn’s P.O.V*****

 Its been three days since I’ve got into this hotel room. Three days of secret visits with Olivia and Niall. I trust Niall… He’s got to be my best friend of all the boys. When Olivia told me she told him, I was actually extremely okay with it He pinky promised me he wouldn’t tell anyone. And Niall? He doesn’t break pinky promises. You just don’t do that. Ever. Its like, against the law of the world.

 I was FREAKING OUT. Tonight was the night if my ‘Appearance’ as Olivia likes to call it… I wanted Masie to come visit me too, but every time I asked, Olivia would give me this weird look, look at Niall and then whisper a small ‘No.’ Like seriously! Whats up with that???  I had two hours until I had to leave. I’m going to order another pizza. I like that idea…

 ‘You ready Chica????” I heard Olivia say a few minutes later.

 “As ready as I’ll ever be…” I said.

 “Okay. I assume you remember our deal?”

 “Yes… I do…” I said quietly. “What am I wearing?” She pulled out the outfit piece by piece.

 The shirt? Its good. Similar to my Superman one I wore the day we met the boys. The shorts? They were black, high waist, studded jean shorts. I wore that stuff. They jewelry? Came from my bag.  She made me put that on, and she started to do my hair and makeup. She didn’t do very much to my hair. She just curled one side to make it extra curly, and then she pinned it back. I was wearing a light pink lip gloss, and Olivia made my eyes a natural look. I other words, she made me, simply pretty.  I actually like my appearance for once. She was a MIRACLE worker!!!!

 “What about shoes?” I asked.

 “Well…” She answered. Oh dear god… This can NOT be good. She pulled out a pair of torture devices.  Heels. They were the lace contrast kind. And they had a bow in the front. And… the worst of all. They. Were. Freaking. Six. Inch. Heels. SIX INCHES!!! THAT IS ½ A FOOT PEOPLE!!!! Oh dear…

 “OLIVIA! You know how I feel about heels!” I whimpered.

 “You made a deal. Lets go! You have five minutes to leave. You have to get to the venue first okay. The rest of us are leaving in 30 minutes. Good luck.”

 “I’m not going to talk to him. I’m giving him his outfits, and that’s it. Wait! I might tell him off… ONLY if he asks for it.”

 “That’s the Kathryn I know. Now. You have three minutes. Put the shoes on. There is a bright orange and green striped car outside the hotel. Its kind of hard to miss. That car has a special friend of mine in it. He’ll take you to the venue “

 “Do I even know him!?” I asked.

 “Actually, you do.” I’m scared now… Who the hell did she get to do this!!?? I put on the shoes and looked at Olivia.

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