Chapter 1 - change to master thieves

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WARNING SINGING AHEAD (I changed some of the lyrics to make it fit your character more.)

"RIDER! STARLIGHT STRIKER!!!!GUARDS GO GET THEM!" you hear the constable Lumph screaming.

"Hurry up kid!" Flynn shouts.

Your running as fast as you can when Rider pulls you
by the wrist and around the corner.

You and Flynn are panting trying to get your breath back  when a brown haired lady comes around the corner. Stalyan.

"Have you got it?" Stalyan looks at Flynn.

Flynn opens his satchel and shows Stallion the eye of Pincosta.

She stares at you in confusion, "Why did we have to bring the kid along?"

Flynn answers, "because the kids gotta learn somehow, besides who's better to teach (___) then the most handsome man in the world." He looks at his reflection in a puddle.

"I don't even want to do this! Why can't we live normally!?" You feel frustrated.

"(___), us outcasts need to stick together, besides there's no chance of any of us being on the other side now." Flynn kneels to your height.

Stallion rolls her eyes, "Cmon you two let's meet the Stabbingtons then get to my dad."

You're now walking through a forest with Stallion and Rider.

"So, how come you wanna be on the good side of things now kid?" Rider asks you curiously.

"Flynn, don't you imagine what it would be like to have a family and somewhere where you belong?" You ask.

You feel the urge to sing to get your point across, now that Stallion has now walked ahead like usual to meet the Stabbingtons.

"You know you say folks are dying to be like us, Well I'm dying to getaway. To a nicer Kingdom that's better too." Flynn looks at you.

"I mean I've never been there but I see it clear as day. If you wanted you could see it too."

You climb up a tree and pull Flynn up. "Close your eyes, come with me, where it's green and clean and pretty and they went and made a Kingdom out of clay." You giggle a little when Flynn looks confused at you.

You move the branches to show a beautiful setting sun.

"And the minute that you get there folks will walk out and say, Welcome home kid, Welcome come to Corona bay."

Flynn knows that the Kingdom of Corona isn't called "Corona bay" but doesn't say anything.

"Land of crops, making trails, helping around the fire. Oh except for Sunday when you lie around all day!"

You let go of the branch and see Flynn's face thinking about a luxury life.

"Soon friends are more like family, begging you to stay!"

"Isn't that neat? Living sweet... in Corona Bay...."

"Wait hold on a second kid, how do you know they'll except you there? Especially since we're all wanted if you like it or not." Flynn asks with a smirk

"I don't but it's worth the risk to have a new life." You say with no hesitation.

"Where does it say you gotta live and die here? Where does it say a girl can't catch a break?" You sing.

"Why should only take what you're given? Why should we spend our whole life living! Trapped where there's no future! Even as a kid nearly teen."

"Oh! And breaking your back for the baron's sake!"

"If the life doesn't seem to suit ya, how about a change of scene..."

"Far from the run-lines and the deadlines in between... Corona bay! My old friend, I cant spend my whole life waiting even though that all I seem to do... I'm not getting any younger and I wanna start brand new!" You climb higher up the tree while Flynn looks cautiously at you so we don't get caught.

"I need space and fresh air!" You look down to see Stallion and the Stabbingtons talking. You go closer to Flynn.

"Let them laugh in our faces, we won't care! Save our place.... and we'll be there in Corona bay!!!!"

You look at Flynn and smile. He does to then rubs the back on his neck.

You laugh at him.

"Do I have to do everything around here?! Cmon dodo brains before you get us caught." You hear an angry call from the ground.

Flynn pulls you close," listen, kid, your right you shouldn't have to live like this..."

"When we get down from here run as fast as you can and DONT look back."

He gives you a map, "Go and live a better life than I have."

"But Flynn they could kill you if I ran off. Why don't you come with me?" You say.

"Don't worry about me, you don't need people judging you if they see you with me besides I would get my head off ." you both get to the ground."I'm sure our paths will cross again one day... when they are ready too."

"NOW GO!" He commands but keeps quiet enough so they can't hear him.

You run as fast as you can.

He pretends to chase after you.

You ran for about ten minutes without looking back.

You could hear them screaming at Flynn that he "lost" you and you felt guilty for it.

But you were free away from a life you hated!

𝗔 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗔𝘁 𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲 -- Varian x Fem! reader Where stories live. Discover now