1 | pt. 5 : we only see each other at weddings and funerals

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The jingling of keys was heard as Vanya unlocked her apartment door. As the wood creaked open, she stepped into the darkened room, reaching for the light switch.

Before she could flick it on, she heard a click from ahead, and the living room partially lit up, illuminating a bright ivory. "Jesus!" the woman exclaimed, jolting at the noise while she glanced at the intruders.

"You should have locks on your windows." the mysterious boy suggested. The girl behind him (who leant over his shoulder) held a mildly bored expression.

"I live on the second floor." Vanya countered, placing away her keys on the heater to her left.

"Rapists can climb." she, the girl in academy uniform, added.

"You guys are so weird." Vanya noted, thinking aloud as she turned to close the opened door.

Walking over to both the intruders, Vanya seated herself on her couch, hands on her knees. She paused and examined the two. "Is that blood, Y/n?" the woman queried the girl, gazing worriedly at her.

"Perhaps," Y/n shrugged as she lifted herself upright, "Got a First-Aid Kit, by any chance?"

"U-Uh, not really, but yeah," Vanya stammered, taken aback, "There's a cabinet in the kitchen-"

"-Perfect!" the girl clasped her hands together, skipping off to her newfound destination.

"Um.." Vanya mumbled, focusing back on Five, "You got.. Er.." Trailing off, she gestured to her pale, kale coloured shirt collar, indicating that the boy had a crimson stain, as well.

"It's nothing." he said, looking back at the girl who was rummaging for the supplies in Vanya's cabinets.

"..Why are you here?" Vanya asked Five.

Returning his attention to the woman, he sighed. "I have decided that you are the only other one I can trust."

"Why me?" Vanya questioned him.

"Because you're ordinary." he responded.

Vanya's face dulled.

The only sound was of Y/n's irritated grumbling as she hastily scavenged for the location to the medical equipment.

"...Because you'll listen." Five corrected himself, awkwardly, realising his mistake.

Quietly nodding to Five's reply, Vanya heard an 'at last!' from her kitchen. 

In Y/n's arms, she cradled a bottle of an antibacterial, alcoholic disinfectant, medical tape and clean gauze swabs as she proceeded back to Vanya and Five.

Avoiding the couch she nearly stumbled and tripped by, Y/n carefully released the supplies while she crouched out in front of Five's injured arm. She looked up at him and smiled, indicating him to move it.

He huffed, but complied, by sliding up his blazer's navy-blue sleeve, along with the blood-stained shirt underneath the fabric.

Though intrigued, Vanya felt out-of-place (and utterly confused) as she observed Y/n working away at his wound as Five gazed down at her sweetly.

Of course, the two partners in crime. They were always in some sort of trouble or predicament.

The woman cleared her throat and the boy blinked away his thoughts and stared back at her. Expecting him to continue explaining his reasoning, Vanya raised her eyebrows.

"..When I jumped forward, I got stuck in the future," Five said, understanding her pleading manner, "Do you know what I found?"

"No." Vanya denied, even if his question was on the rhetorical side.

"Nothing," the boy replied, frowning, as if he had revisited an awful memory, "...Absolutely nothing."

Y/n paused and swallowed dryly. The girl extended her free arm to Five's newly cleaned one, softly clutching it in comfort, careful not to harm him.

He squeezed back in reassurance, informing her that he would be okay.

"As far as I could tell, I was the last person left alive. I never figured out what killed the human race, but I did find something else - the date it happens," the boy recalled, "The world ends in eight days and I have no idea how to stop it."

Gathering and processing the information, not only Vanya, but Y/n, seemed bewildered.

It was the first time Five had properly explained it to the girl.

"...I'll put on a pot of coffee.."



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