10 | pt. 2 : the white violin

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"Alright, where's Five?" Luther questioned, joining back with his siblings.

"He's gone." Y/n replied, rising from her seat when all the others did.

Luther shifted on his feet in irritation. "Oh, for the love of.. Where'd he go?"

"Somewhere," she answered vaguely, mainly to tick him off, as she shrugged her shoulders, shoving some of Klaus' buttered popcorn -- they had so kindly asked for from one of the employees -- into her mouth.

The man scoffed, glancing over at Diego for a better explanation. "Where?" He repeated.

"Dunno, he just left." Diego responded, arms up in defense.

"Whatever," Luther grumbled, "We're not waiting around for him. The concert starts in thirty minutes."

"Alright, so what's the plan?" Diego asked him.

"Well, I think that, uh.. We go to the Icarus Theater."

"That's a location, not a plan."

The girl pursed her lips, eyeing Klaus beside her as he mirrored her glance, both restraining their laughter.

Luther opened his mouth to speak, but closed it shortly after.

"What?" Diego continued, subtly mocking him. "Is that all you got?.. Look, you wanna be Number One, fine, but you're gonna have to get us on the same page, because right now, we're all over the place."

The man in the overcoat looked Diego's face up and down. "You're right." He admitted, jaw muscles tense as he spoke. "We need a plan."

"So, what sort of magnificent plan is brewing in your monkey bra-"

Before Y/n could conclude her agitated remark, Allison tugged the girl down as bullets unexpectedly began pelting toward their direction.

Party-goers and employees of Super Star disorderly shuffled immediately to the nearest exits as they screamed in terror, hiding themselves from the attackers that persistently attempted to shoot down only one part of the area.

"Who the hell are these guys?!" Diego yelled out from beside Luther, shielded behind one of the tables.

Klaus, situated next to Allison and Y/n, similarly hidden behind a table, held his palms to his ears to soften the deafening roar of bullets. "Maybe they're here for Kenny's birthday!"

"No, I'm pretty sure they're here for us!" Luther shouted back.

Suddenly, Diego unsheathed a knife from his holster and flung himself up, throwing the blade to one of the attackers. It impaled the man dead straight in the heart, causing him to stumble back into the booth behind the front desk.

On contact, the man's body unintentionally flicked off the lights, starting up the room's strobe lights and sound system that played unfitting music for their current situation before he slumped down, dead.

They fought back against their aggressors as best as they could from behind the tables that could only sustain them for so long.

Luther hurled a bowling ball to the head of one of the men, and Klaus, with a brilliant idea, threw Kenny's birthday cake at the face of another.

The whole area was dark, swimming with shadows that gave Y/n the upper-hand. She used her abilities to drop them down one by one as Diego consistently launched knives to the attackers.

Despite their attempts, more seemed to be piling into the Super Star, so they all retreated back behind the tables to hide once again.

Y/n peeked up quickly, then dropped back down as a bullet flew centimeters past her head. "Guys, they're covering all the exists!"

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