1 | pt. 4 : we only see each other at weddings and funerals

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Thirteen years ago:

Nietzsche once said, 'Man is as a rope stretched between the animal and the superhuman. A rope over an abyss. It is a dangerous crossing, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting'.

Diego, Luther, Five, Allison, Y/n, Ben, and Klaus were grouped together at the bottom of a long spiraling staircase, wearing dark green jumpsuits.

The walls surrounding it were coated in a dull scarlet red. Posters of men with weapons and women smiling were plastered against them.

The seven Hargreeves children lifted their heads to watch their father from above, who was scribbling into his infamous notebook.

Dressed in academy uniform, Vanya had stood patiently to the right of Reginald. With a whistle strung around her neck and a clipboard clutched to her chest, she waited for the man to indicate the beginning of her siblings' training.

Closing the journal, he turned his head to gaze at Vanya. Almost immediately, she blew the whistle. With the noise ringing through Y/n's ears, she launched herself up the stairs, competing against the other Hargreeves'.

Skipping and running up as quickly as her legs could take her, the girl maintained a place behind Luther, who was the only one ahead of her.

Though, the other children had gained on Y/n and Luther, rapidly. To Y/n's disadvantage, she was shoved around by her competitors, causing her to fall behind.

Grumbling, she continued her way up, a few paces away from Klaus.

As much as you must strive for individual greatness, and strive you must, for it won't come to you of its own accord. You must remember there is no individual stronger than the collective.

Bringing her back into focus, Five sprinted next to Y/n. Grasping onto her right hand with his left, he sent her a smirk and whispered 'don't let go'. Before she could question his intentions, the girl felt her body being warped through a bright blue light.

The two teleported a far distance in front of Diego, who had been leading as first.

Y/n's cheeks flushed a bright red as she bit her tongue and sealed her lips together to hold back the increasing saliva forming in her mouth. Never would she get use to that feeling.

With her stomach feeling like a washing machine, she let Five drag her up, though she still remained at a decent speed.

"That's not fair! They cheated!" Diego yelled out, irritated at the fact that the two had swept away his chance at first place.

"They adapted!" Their father corrected him, frowning as he watched Five pull a stumbling Y/n alongside him.

The ties that bind you together - make you stronger than you are alone.

The buzzing of a tattoo gun accompanied the sounds of sobbing throughout the entrance hall of the Hargreeves estate.

Klaus examined his own tattoo, wiping his eyes with his free arm as he held Allison. The curly-haired girl had tears cascading down from her red eyes, to her cheeks, as she gripped onto her left wrist, weeping in pain.

Working away at Diego's tattoo, the artist branded his arm with the academy's logo.

Grace watched as the boy squeezed his eyes shut, grasping the arm of the chair he sat in. Noticing his distress, she reached out for his hand as an act of comfort. Though Diego retracted his hand, not having any desire to be presented as weak.

His mother stepped back with a sullen expression as Reginald approached, halting beside the robotic woman.

They will make you impervious to the pain and hardship the world will thrust upon you. And believe me when I tell you, life will be hard. It will be painful.

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