I nodded and smiled to Lin and he smiled back. He was nervous and you could tell, or at least I could. I held his hand to try and calm him he took a deep breath. Was this the moment? He started with "Mom, Dad? I need to tell you something important and if you don't accept me it's ok." You could just hear how nervous he was.

"It's ok son what is it?" Lin's mom said grabbing his other hand.

"I-I'm" he was struggling with his words. He held up the hand I was holding and his parents gasped for a moment in shock. They weren't mad they looked accepting. Something I haven't seen in a while.

Lin was shaking in fear of what his parents would say with his eyes closed. He opened them and saw a smile on his mom's face and a proud look on his dad's. He started crying into my shoulder since he couldn't hold it in. I let go of his hand and hugged him instead.

His mother came around to our side of the table and started telling Lin how proud she was of him and how he shouldn't have to worry anymore. Lin's dad on the other hand was jumping around saying how he knew it since the 'heights cool musical too' music video. I couldn't agree more. Lin eventually stopped crying and hugged his mom and dad and thanked them.

They sat back down in their chairs and Lin's mom asked "So how long have you two been seeing each other?" She had the biggest smile on her face which made me comfortable.

I spoke up. "Well I'm not exactly sure but our first date was on Saturday between shows."

"Remember when you got hit on by the waiter?" Laughter filled the room when he said that. I just turned red but laughed at his reference.

"Remember when he came out of the kitchen with our appetizers with his hair all fixed up?" I said in between laughs. "He looked so stupid!"

We kept laughing about the waiter until Lin's dad looked at his watch and said, "Luz and I should really get going. I have a meeting in an hour."

Lin's mom came up to hug me and she whispered in my ear "You're part of the family now. Take care of my Lin for me." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and went to go hug Lin.

Lin's dad came up to me and told me to make sure Lin doesn't get into trouble. I laughed and said "of course I will!"

He gave me a hug and said "goodbye son it was nice seeing you."

"It was nice seeing you too."

Lin and I walked them out and said goodbye to them once again until I heard the door open and saw Sebastian running to hug his grandparents saying "You forgot about me!" He hugged them goodbye and came up next to me and leaned on my leg. We waved to them as they drove off to wherever they were going.

I picked up Sebby and gave him a piggyback ride into the house while he was laughing the whole time. I dropped him on the couch and started tickling him as he laughed even more. Lin stared at us smiling at the door frame watching us tackle each other to the ground.

"Ok, ok! You win!" I said as Sebby 'kicked me to the ground' with all his 'mighty strength'. He ran to his room as I started to get up from the floor and onto the couch trying to catch my breath.

"Hard work isn't he?" Lin said as he sat next to me. I nodded and he laid his head on my shoulder. "Are you going to stay another night?"

"I mean if you want me too I can."

"So you're moving in?"

"Well... that's if you want me to."

"More importantly if Seb wants you to" he said sarcastically. "I'm sure he'd be delighted."

"Hey" he looked at me with his 'what do you need' face. "You did great and I'm proud of you, ok?" I said reassuringly.

He nodded a kissed me on my jawline. He snuggled into me and said "You know I love you right?"

"Well of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"

"Just a question no serious answer though."

We stayed there in silence until we heard Sebby come down the stairs. "Papa I'm going to go to sleep."

"Ok then," Lin said as he giggled to himself.

"Ok then" he said as he ran back up the stairs to take a nap.

"Well that was cute" I said as I started chuckling at Seb's actions. I was getting really uncomfortable in this suit, but Lin looked so comfortable I didn't want to move.

I started trying to get comfortable, shifting as I did so, and Lin looked up at me. He let go of me and I looked at him just a little scared of what he was going to say. "I'm going to go change and you should to."

He got up from his place on the couch to go change into something comfortable, as did I. I changed in a different room so I could give Lin his own privacy. We got out of our rooms at the same time and just looked at each other. He signaled me to come into his room so I followed him.

He laid on the bed and patted the space next to him. I went under the covers and cuddled him from behind. He was being a little needy right now but that's ok, I could handle it. After all, his mom did tell me to take care of him.

Soon he fell asleep in my arms and shifted closer to me. I put my chin over his head and hugged him even closer, if that was possible.

I soon fell asleep, even though it was only 9pm. Probably the best sleep I've ever gotten.

Hope you guys liked this chapter! I really enjoyed writing this, and also this might just be my longest chapter! THANK YOU FOR 200 READS!

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1722 words 🧪

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