Chapter 20 - Books from a Birdbrain

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"Really, it's okay, but thank you for being so sweet." I smile back squeezing his hand reassuringly.

"Okay, but I am going to walk you to and from work okay? I don't want anything like this happening again. I'll have my agency link up with the police about what happened last night and see if we can get any leads."

"T-that would be amazing. Thank you so much!" I smile shifting my chair closer to give him a tight hug. I honestly don't know how I got this lucky. I've known Keigo for a matter of months and already I feel so at ease with him. But yet again the words of Recovery Girl float back in my mind. I don't know a lot about him.

"Of course. If anything like this happens again, you'll tell me right away, okay?" He asks petting my head softly before I pull away from the hug with a small grin.

"Deal" I say holding out my pinky with a determined look. Keigo chuckles before wrapping my pinky finger with his own and moving our hands up and down like a hand shake.

"Oh before I forget I got your prize!" Keigo cheered pulling out a dark purple gift bag from behind him. Where was he keeping that and how did I not notice? The bag was a deep violet with silver vine designs swirling around it like ripples on water.

"Thanks Hawks! I honestly forgot we even ... oh God why?" I laugh with a loud snort as I remove the book from the bag only to see it was entitled 'The Little Book of Kama Sutra' with a rather R-rated cartoon image on the front cover.

"Just giving us some ideas for the future Babybird. Besides I heard it's a good read!" He laughs as I hide my face in my scarf with embarrassment and put the book back in the bag before anyone could see it.

"You really are something else, you know!" I chuckle watching him wiggle his eyebrows up and down with a goofy smile on his face.

"Hey at least it made you laugh!" He said gently taking my hand and pressing it to his lips with a small smile. My heart thumped hard at the simple contact and I once again reflected on the power he held over me. The smallest of actions sent sparks through my skin and he knew it. He then reached behind him and plucked out a small lilac book no bigger than his palm. Seriously where is he storing these books?!

"I was just kidding with the Kama Sutra book by the way. Here, this is the book I actually planned on getting you."

I reached out hesitantly and looked at the title feeling a small smile stretch across my face.
'The Little Book of Love Poems' it read in beautiful gold cursive. I opened it up to find an incredibly messy hand written note.

'To my Babybird, the only girl who gets my heart racing
~ Keigo xx'

I looked up at him only to see a faint blush dance across his cheeks watching me read his personal note.

"I love it, thanks so much!" I smile pulling him into yet another tight hug.

"If I knew you'd react to a book like this I would have brought you to the library!" Keigo laughs, his breath hot against the outer shell of my ear.

"There is actually something I wanted to ask you." I say, awkwardly rubbing my head. Damn why am I making this so awkward.

"Is this you asking me to be your boyfriend Babybird?" He teased getting close to my face with that cocky grin of his.

"No! I mean, not that you being my boyfriend would be a bad thing but I just ... I wanted to get to know you better." I say quickly trying to not insult him whilst getting my point across. My palms began to sweat as he tilted his head blankly before that smug grin returned.

"You want to try out the demonstrations from the first book huh? Well, I'm not opposed to it but I was hoping for us to be official before then." He chuckled watching my face turn red in embarrassment.

"Not like that! I mean get to know you better. Like your family, where you grew up, went to school. All that kind of stuff."

Keigo looked slightly taken back. His eyes widened by a fraction before they returned to their original sharp angle. Was this a normal reaction? He is normally so confident but appears this nervous when asked to talk about himself? Recovery Girl's words played in my mind and I grew convinced that he was hiding something from me.

"Babybird I-" he cut himself off and looked in my eyes before releasing a deflated sigh.

"I don't like talking about my personal life all that much. But I suppose you're apart of my personal life now. You'll find out eventually so how about we agree that on our next date you can ask me anything you want and I'll answer it." He smiled his voice sounding more quiet than normal, as though voicing this meant it was written in stone and he was convincing himself to stand by it.

"That sounds good ... Birdbrain" I say trying to ease the tension.

***Time skip***

The rest of the evening went smoothly. I tried to avoid bringing up his past and family life, though he enjoyed informing me that he had spotted my mom watching him from the window when he had picked me up at Halloween. This came as no surprise and I could just imagine her scrolling through hero feeds to try and figure out who he was.

Keigo as promised walked me home, keeping a sharp eye on the area surrounding my apartment but felt happier once he spotted a police car parked across the street.

"If anything happens you call me, okay Babybird? Even if you think it's something silly just call me and I'll be there." He said in a worried tone, his hands placed firmly on my shoulders. I stared up into his honey eyes and smiled softly. I know so little about his background, but I do know that he's good person.

"I will, thanks Keigo." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and watching his feathers puff up at the contact. So. Cute. I internally fangirl.

"Goodnight!" I smile watching him let out a flustered 'goodnight' before I disappeared into my home, a small smile still plastered on my face.

I Loved You First (Dabi X OC X Hawks)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя