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Allison's POV

"Ricky walk upstage for this scene." The director tells him.

Ricky looks over me with a confused look on his face. I was sitting on the edge of the stage helping the director.

"What does that mean?" Ricky mouthed to me as he looked like a lost puppy.

I laugh as I motion for him to move backwards. He looks confused but does what I tell him to do. I can't help but smile as he seemed lost as he read from the script. I couldn't help but look around for any sign of Luke but he seemed to be gone.

"Looking for someone." A voice said causing me to almost scream.

I looked over and noticed Reggie sitting next to me.

"Hi." I say softly so only he can hear.

"Hi.... Luke went some where but he'll be back later tonight." Reggie tells me.

I nod my head as I notice Ricky staring at me. I feel my face get hot as I lock eyes with him. We both quickly look away from each other.

"You like him." Reggie says playfully.

"No I don't." I reply sharply.

"What?" My director asked me as she looked confused.

"Sorry... just thinking out loud." I tell her.

She nods her head as she looks away from me.

"You got really defensive about it." He says as he raises his eyebrow at me.

"Just shut up...." I mumble as I shake my head at him.

"You know Luke won't shut up about you." Reggie says playfully.

"Really?" I ask him as I feel my heart start to quicken.

"Yeah... he just goes on and on... and I shouldn't be telling you this... I gotta go." Reggie says frantically as he poofs away.

I sigh as I wish I could make him come back and tell me more. Luke talks about me? Practice ends and everyone clears the theatre. I was zoning out about Ricky and how amazing his voice was.

"Allison." Ricky says interrupting my thoughts as he sits next to me.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"Well... since we don't have rehearsal on Saturday I was thinking we could go see a movie. As friends of course." He says nervously.

"Yeah... that will be fun.... what time?" I ask him in an excited tone.

"I'll pick you up at 8:00." He tells me.

I notice him jump up and down as he walks out of the theatre. I hear a familiar whooshing sound nearly giving me a heart attack.

"Can you ever just walk into the room?" I ask Luke as I turn to face him.

"Nope.... it's more fun this I like scaring you." He says playfully.

I sigh as I run a hand through my hair.

"I wanna show you something." He says in an excited tone.

"Okay?" I reply as I was very confused.

"Follow me." He says as he poofs away.

I look around confused. He poofs back as I hear him laughing.

"I kinda forgot you aren't a ghost." He says as he laughs.

He leads me out of the theatre and outside.

"Where are you taking me?" I yell after him.

"You will just have to wait and see." He replies playfully.

He leads me down the road. He stops at some club. He leads me inside and I can hear a band playing from inside.

"What is this place?" I ask him as I look around.

A ton of people were watching the band perform and cheering them on.

"It's a place where people perform and it's amazing. And you are going to perform here." Luke says playfully.

"Nice try." I reply playfully.

"I already sighed you up. You have an amazing voice... and the world needs to hear it." Luke says softly.

"Yeah but I'm not singing in front of people and definitely not alone." I say sharply.

"Well I'll perform with you... me and the boys were at the park today and people could hear us play. The people will just think it's a track or something. It will be great." Luke says in an excited tone.

"I can't... I'm to nervous." I mumble.

"I'll be right there with you.... I signed you up for this Saturday at 8:00." Luke tells me.

I sigh as I stare at the stage and all the people. I didn't like performing in front of people but they were just strangers and Luke said he would sing with me.

"Performing in front of people is amazing... I would do anything to get that back... I'm not letting you waste your talent and life." Luke says softly.

"Fine... Saturday... 8:00... I'll perform... but if I change my mind by then..." I say nervously as I play with my fingers.

"I'll make sure you perform and aren't nervous." Luke says softly.

I sigh as I look over at Luke who had a big grin on his face. I feel like I have something Saturday night but I can't remember what.

"I would give anything to be able to perform again. I just wish I was alive again." Luke says as disappointment filled his voice.

"I'm really sorry... I'm guessing you died very young." I say softly.

"I died on the biggest night of my life. I was supposed to perform a concert that would kick start my career but I died." Luke says in a sad tone.

He was staring at the ground as his face looked sad. I feel so bad for him. He obviously likes performing and he died so young.

"If I could....I would hug you right now." I say softly.

"I wish I could touch you... but I can't." Luke says as his hand goes through mine.

I look up and lock eyes with him. I feel butterflies enter my stomach as his eyes remain on me. Luke breaks the eye contact and goes back to staring at the ground. A random lady looked at me like I was crazy and I just glared at her.
Girlllll you are suppose to hang with Ricky 😔

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