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Allison's POV

"Why are we sitting underneath the bleachers?" Emma asks me softly.

"Because I'm hiding from two people." I mumble as I look around.

"Is one of them Ricky? Because he's heading this way right now." Emma says as a laugh leaves her mouth.

"Shoot." I mumble as I make direct eye contact with him.

"Why are you hiding from him?" Emma asks me in disbelief.

"Because he definitely thinks I talk to myself and I can't deal with drama at lunch right now." I mumble as I run a hand through my hair.

"Do you talk to yourself?" Emma asks me as she laughs.

"No." I reply sharply.

"Hey... I've been looking for you." Ricky says as he sits next to me.

"Hey." I mumble awkwardly.

"So Ricky.... did you switch schools or something because we have never seen you here before?" Emma asks Ricky as she eats her food.

"Uh yeah.... I moved in with my mom so I had to leave my old school." He says softly.

I hear a familiar whooshing sound causing me to groan.

"I bet you missed me." Luke says playfully as he sits next to me.

I ignore him as I continue to talk to Ricky.

"Do you know anyone that goes here?" I ask Ricky.

"Uh.... just you guys. I'm hoping doing the musical will help me meet more people." He says softly.

"Can you not see me?" Luke says playfully as he waves his hands in front of my eyes.

I glare at him holding back the urge to yell at him. He had an adorable smirk on his face as he stared at me.

"Yeah eveyone in theatre is super chill." I say to Ricky as I eat my sandwich.

I feel a hand slap the sandwich out of my hand causing me to gasp. The sandwich got all over Emma causing her to yell at me.

"What the heck? Spazz hands!" Emma yells as she laughs.

"It was like somebody smacked it out of her hands or something." Ricky says as he joins Emma in laughing.

I laugh as I turn around and see Luke laughing. How could he touch my sandwich but not touch me? He's a ghost he shouldn't be able to do anything.

Later that day

The cast list had been posted and of course Ricky got the lead.

"I can't believe it!" Ricky yelled as he pulled me into a hug.

I felt so safe in his arms and I felt butterflies in my stomach as I touched him. He slowly pulled away as he awkwardly scratched his neck.

"Congrats." I say awkwardly as I smile at him.

"Thanks." He mumbles as he puts his hands in his pocket.

There was no Luke it was just me and him and it felt really nice.

"This is actually my first musical." Ricky tells me as we walk into the theatre.

"Really? That's exciting." I say as I smile at him.

His hand brushed against mine as we walked side by side.

"Yeah.. which means you are going to have to help me because I have absolutely no idea what I am doing." Ricky say as as he laughs.

I laugh with him as I nod my head.

"No problem. I got you." I reassure him.

We sit on the stage as the director talks to all of them.

"Pssst.... Allison." I hear someone whisper from behind me.

I turn around and see Luke motioning for me to follow him.

"I gotta go check on the props." I whisper to Ricky as I get up.

I follow Luke up to the prop room.

"What is it?" I ask him nervously.

"Listen to this guitar riff I made while you were flirting with Ricky." Luke says playfully as he starts playing his guitar.

"They can hear you!" I yell as I point down the stairs.

Luke just laughs as he continues to play his guitar. I frantically I wave my arms at him trying to get him to stop.

"Come on just listen to to how cool it sounds. They can't even hear me from here." Luke says playfully.

I sigh as I watch him play his guitar with a smile on his face.

"Allison turn off that music!" My director screamed at me.

Luke stops playing as I shake my head.

"Be quiet. I'll be back later." I tell him as I walk down the stairs.

"Yes ma'am!" He yells after me as he laughs.

I sat on the stage as the cast read through the script. Ricky leant over and placed his script in my lap.

"What's that mean?" Ricky asks me as he points to words in parentheses.

"Those are stage directions. You don't say them but you will do the action. Like if it says walk to the right you will walk to the right." I explain to him as I point to his script.

I feel nervous as I feel his arm brush against mine. He nods his head as he understands what I am saying. My mind then wandered to Luke. He was so adorable and he always wanted to be with me. I glanced over at Ricky and smiled. Ricky was a real person, I could actually touch him and talk to him but yet my mind kept thinking about Luke. But Ricky made me feel a special way but so did Luke.

Uh oh she's already struggling to pick one hahah 😳

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